Chapter 42

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"going seventeen"

"what is this?" she looked at him

"ah, it's our show" he smiled

"so let's watch it," she said

"it has so many episodes, it's not gonna finish today."

"then tell me the popular one."

"it might be the TTT or best friends or don't lie. Oh, I can't choose."

"I can watch it anytime, now am gonna watch TTT."

"ok sure. I will show some behind scenes after that." he smiled at her

"ok, my babe..." she lay on the bed so did he.

She commented while watching." Yeah, Hoshi is so fun...she laughed out so are so variety show idols...Vernon is just sleeping, how can you all drink that much? It's too much, you are all cute and You are sooooocute, the jump is so cute..."

Scoups smiling while seeing her laughing hard. First-time seeing her smiling this much...

"so did we make you laugh?" he looked at her while lying there

"aju maani, I thought why I stop fangirling, it's such a healing and all our pressure will go, am relieved thanks you all"

"ah, I wanted to ask you, you are our fan once, then who is your bias?" he Curiously asked

"Are you ok with it?" she smiled

"oh now I understand, it's not me." he sulked and fake cried

"yes, I told you, you are not my type." she teased him

"then who is your type?" he asked sarcastically

"The8," she said shyly

Ohh, you like that kind of boy. I thought its shua." he acted as if he never cared

"no, no I didn't see him as an idol" she chuckled

They both gleamed.
"then you don't see me too right? " this time they locked their eyes but she quickly looks away as the closeness among them is too short.

"I only stan you for a year or something and got a chance to come to a concert, not a concert it's kcon, I guess because of Ginny. I see all of them as idols besides shua Oppa" she said looking at the ceiling

"oh I see...we won't be that big at that time," he said reminiscing about the past

"I know...but it's so cute to see you all so young and I like your leadership. the scary leader of kpop"

"thank's sleep am tired of laughing " he smiled looking at her

"what about behind stories...? " she asked

"ah, I forgot that " then he opens another folder and shows behind the scenes of TTT...After some time, they sleep there...
Then she wakes up in the evening.

She wakes him up...

"Hey, it's the evening I am hungry. I only ate the toast 🍞 morning. "

Sc: gotta order now, what do you want?

June: anything.

Sc: jajjangmyeon?

June: ok call

They ate it and leave for the kitchen to make dinner.

Sc: June, shall we go there?

June: where!? Scotland?

Sc: yes...are you ok with it?

June: am ok, because being with you is good but am just not in the mood to travel, that's why am...

Sc: ok, I understand you.

June: thank you. Am glad you are...

June just doesn't want to go because something is going on with her, she is afraid of something, Because she is so attached to him, she has trust issues and probably has fear. That's why she avoids certain situations, being with him and all...He anyway leaves after 8 months so she is scared of being attached to him.

So he tells his father that he has a tight schedule and can't go this month...
So they gave up the plan and it settled...
After being with him these months she had known his true personality and he is not that cold and pretty supportive. Kinda husband material.
Similarly to him...he had fond of her.

Long skip ~~~
After another 2 months...its marks their 4 months of marriage left 6 months...
They are in a movie in the room...

They are in a movie in the room...Scoups suddenly asked her a question.

"What will you do after divorce? Continue in the company!?"

June was surprised to hear this.

" I am thinking hard about that, I leave the company for sure and maybe I go back to LA. "

"Ahh "- he nodded but he is sad

"Why are you? Suddenly asked. "

" just because." he shrugged

"So 6 months left seungcheol," she said looking at him

"I know "Deep inside he is hurt and crying hard he needs someone to cry on.

"June, am going somewhere if you need anything just call me," he said getting up from the bed

"Where are you going "


"Ok, come back quickly" she smiled and waved

He then leaves there...

She calls Ginny as she has some frustration and a weird feeling of something coming up ...

"Hey, Ginn..."

"Hey yo whatsup, Ju "

"I wanna say this to you "

"Why? What happened? "

Ginn... Something is hurting"

"Eh...who hurt you?"

"Ginn, he suddenly asked, would I rather stay here or go after divorce?"

"What did you say?"

"I just say I may go"

"Oh, pabo...why don't you say you like him?"

"No, I don't like him, why would I "

"Just accept it, I know you well..."

"Aniyaa... it's not like that"

"Then why did it hurt when he mentions divorce"

"Just because "

"Stop that word, it's the most irritatable word to me."

"Ok, I got it, it does hurt I don't know why..."

"Would you like to come to LA?"

"Why Ginny, suddenly? "

"I want to see you two..."

"For what"

"just ask him to come to LA for a vacation.
Is that possible?" You can babe!!"

"I think I want to mentor the girls who are debuting next month so does he."

"Ohh, workaholic, then next week this month last week? ok? "

"I just ask him, then I will call you back."

"Ok, dear." they hung up

After going outside he doesn't go to jeonghan he sits at a nearby park...where he sees children playing...adoring them sitting on a swing. June calls scoups, to find out when did he come;?

"Hey, where are you? "

"Am just outside the Park "

"Ah ok am coming "

She hunged up and run to the park...


If it has any flaws pls forgive 🙏🙏🙏💔🥲

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