Chapter 16

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Next day's weekend holiday
After waking up late
June sits on the couch to watch some current affairs she keeps looking at the screen and suddenly a beep on the phone...

Msg has come.

°°°On the phone chat °°°

From Min-young
You are responsible for this you...

What!? For?

I think my dad is preparing for my marriage...

                                                 Wow, I didn't know anything about this, anyway congrats 👏 could you do this to me??

What did I do?

Seungcheol, spilled remember it now?

Am sorry I didn't know he is this close to your dad, if you have a loved one it's time to tell your dad...

It's not like I can't tell my dad but her, June.

Oh, so there is one, and you don't tell her? Let me ask who?

I will tell you when we meet, ok?

Ok, good luck 🎲


e reads it and put the phone on the nightstand and stares at the ceiling.

She giggled after reading this and another message popped up...

___From SC boss___

"I think the idea is good, you want to make a report on girls' traits and some girls are good for dramas and boys too. Since this is a season for web dramas. Or I think they can make their web dramas...please let them and guide them..."

she reads it and happily smiled and thinks her boss acknowledged her work. She replied with an "ok sir, with😃" this smiley

He chuckles and kept her phone away and heads to his studio.

The next day at the office, min young is complaining about the blind dates that were set for him for this week by his father...

She kept saying sorry and told him why don't you tell your father that you like someone?

"It's not easy" he whined

"Why, are you liking some idol or something!?"

"It's not like that, she didn't even know I like her, by this how can I go to her with a marriage proposal!?"

" are too slow... Let me tell you, go tell your father first...ok?"

He nodded and again buried his head on the table...

The next day June's father called her

"How is your work? "

"It's good appaa"

"Ok, let me tell you you have a stable job now it's time to get married and have a family...then build together"

She freezes for a second and tells him

"I think it's not the time appa"

"Why don't I set you a blind date tomorrow better you go"

She wanted to offend she is tired of the fact that she can't decide anything for her life...
She wanted to tell that she can't marry a stranger but held back tears slowly formed in her eyes...

"Can you hear junaahh" it's not someone you didn't know it is min young, I think you don't have to know each other..."

She was even shocked by hearing this

"Appaa...please don't" she spitted out that, at that time tears coming from her eyes...

"It's gonna be ok, I will tell him to meet you up there"

The call hung up for a moment she can't breathe and couched at the ground so no one can see her crying...

The feeling of living a life as a pawn is freaking her out...and wants to scream but can't.

t the same time, she is thinking min young can reject this...
She cleared her eyes and run to min young.
Slamming the door he seemed to be pretty scared...sacredly cat...she didn't notice Nara was there.

"Yaahhh...did your father call?" She practically yelled

"No why? "

"Probably call now, Ok, let me tell you, your father is calling you to tell you that your blind date tomorrow is with me..."
Hearing this Nara runs from there, probably because it's their matter.

June continued, tell him that you like someone Please let her out of this.

"Why can't you tell?"

" You can also tell him that you have someone"

"You know, I don't have such things?"

"Oh I forgot, I will tell him to stop this, or we can talk about them together. How about this?"

"ok let's go to your house instead of going blind date" she gets up from there

"First, I want to see that brat, Seungcheol, I will make him pay for that " min young folds his fist.

"How!? you go there and come back with his lecturing " June chuckled and said sarcastically

"How about we go together there!? "

"I had to sign him some papers and want to submit this " June tells him

"So let's go June "

Open the door there sees a confused scoups...
She glared at him.



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