Chapter 26

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Seungcheol looks at the view& June comes from the backward and talks...

"You had missed me that much? "
She teases him back.

"You think so?" Ohh miss you so badly and want to hu...g...

" why is it cut off?" She looked into his eyes and chuckled.

"You want to have an h..u..g!? Right!? Oh come on.." He said

They are teasing hard June cut off asking him.

"Why would you call me here!?"

"I did want to see my fiance " he smiled

"For what!? Are you playing with me now? what is it? " her eyes rolled

"Ok let me remember you, the vacation is the turning point so Nara and min-young are going together from here on Saturday your father wants you to come with me, " he said

"But my dad doesn't tell me " she complained

"He will " he assures she silenced for a bit.

"Don't say no, it's easy and safe we gonna travel together, don't waste on gas and so on!! So don't be surprised oke? am doing this for the last time my dad wants me to do all this " he added further.

She nodded he continues
"So Saturday morning I will pick you up from your apartment so you don't want to take your car. "

"Ok, I will tell my dad that".

" ok sure, next thing don't fight I just want peace "

"Sure, but don't tease I don't want to hear the employees that am your fiance "
She said with an embarrassed face

"Sure anything for you baby, since it's the last few days before marriage, fell in love hardly " he is teasing her endlessly. somewhere in the corner of his heart enjoying the little conversations.
Without knowing he is falling...

This convo did hear by her teammate sitting on the bench in the corner...
She wide opened her mouth and it is the same employee did see fighting in the elevator. She felt this is unreal and headed to her department and tells to the other one to the other one...but they aren't believing anything. Until June comes they all become silent...

Teammate 1(same one at the rooftop):miss where were you?

June: am at the rooftop wi...(she stopped)

Tm1: with whom?

June: nothing I just went there alone and sat there sometimes that's all...continue your work...

They all nodded in unison but somewhat felt fishy. They kept it hidden now, ask her at a proper time. Time skip soon comes Saturday At her house, getting ready for the office. He texts her that he is coming by 8:30 so they can reach the office at 9.
She changed and informed her dad that she is coming with Seungcheol to the vacation venue. her dad's plan workout.

He parks his car in the underground and goes to her apartment.
Ding dong..~~the bell rang.

She opens it and welcomed him...
He sat on the couch while she is getting makeup.

"One minute sir, am getting ready you arrived so fast," she said as putting her hair clip.

" ok, no probs, girls always like this "
He whined

" you, better zip up your mouth"
She said

"Otherwise? you gonna do something?"
He chuckled

"Yes, I will kill you and put the company on fire."

"You lose your job, that's all" he shrugged

"You know who I am?" She asked him in a proud voice.

"You are a filthy rich girl who was spoiled
by a rich dad," he said

"Then what about you you are a sugar daddy who is rich as hell and spoiling himself" she puts her earring

"Why don't you like sugar daddies!? Am not married you know so you can fall in love with me, I will be your sugar daddy" he frowned

"That sounds crazy, why are you always end up with me falling in love? Seung...? No sir" she said as she grabbed her purse.

"Just call me Seungcheol when we are alone, oh I think you fall for me so that you can't deny the marriage" he chuckled hard. The fact is that he is falling.

"It's not like that, who knows you are urging me to come with you today?" Looks playfully at him.

" I know, what are talking about go grab your things, or we gonna be late," he said

"Ok, Seung...cheol." She muttered.

They entered the car and headed to the office...They go to the elevator together and headed to the cabin together...

At lunchtime...
She is going with her teammates...
While at their side...Seungcheol came there and kicked her head and tells her...
"Be ready at 4 p.m. we gonna go at that time, did min- young tell you? "

"Nope, then I will be ready sir. "

"Ok am leaving, if you need something just tell me "

"Ok, sir " she bowed to him as he walked away.

They are all shocked while they are talking like this nothing has happened but there is something between them

Tmm1: where are you going?

June: ah that's! (Hesitate ) we just gonna on a vacation!

Tmm2: you two were a thing? The asked surprised

June: no not that, it's just complicated it's just a family gathering.

They all nodded and somewhere understand they are family friends.
But wants to know the truth...


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