Chapter 39

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Next day~~~
there is an article about choi seungcheol that popped up on the internet the day,  He happily read it...

Seventeen leader s.coups  spotted on a date with his fiance in the streets seeing cherry blossom

Carats around the world are happy about seventeen members who never fail to impress anyone with music, choreography, or anything they do that becomes a success

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Carats around the world are happy about seventeen members who never fail to impress anyone with music, choreography, or anything they do that becomes a success...the successful idols that are over 15 years in the industry, now they are heading to the next face of their life...They entered as teenagers, then boyfriends and now it's become handsome husbands, and someone become daddy...starting from jeonghan who was married months before, scoups also shared his marriage news through social media about 3 months ago. Now they are happily enjoying a date together and seeing the cherry blossom together like an ordinary couple...wish the couple happiness, and expect their marriage soon. more couples pics are ahead...

The fake photos...but somehow he is happily reading this, he is getting married next week...Preparing himself for the wedding and the future. He comes to have like June. he doesn't confirm it as love but he likes her now...he does everything for her and will do it in the future too.
Can't explain or doesn't want to explain his feelings for her, he just can't explain
It's love or hate or like or anything, it may not have a phrase... He happened to like her... it's complicated and he wanted to find the real answer so this is the reason he asks her to count 1 year from marriage...

Marriage day~~~ a big event
The flowers on either side imagine as Serenity and pink quartz.
The venue is filled with their loved ones all 12boys of course seungcheol waiting on the stage...for her arrival...she walks through the aisle...Smiling at him...he just smiled widely and was very happy to see her in her wedding gown.

The wedding starts with vowing...
They promised to take care of each other no matter what happens in the world...

I do...
I do...

Baksu...baksuu...filled in the hall.

"The newlyweds kiss each other"

At moment, she realized they want to kiss each other... She is looking at him...
He just stands there smiling showing his dimples and how cute he is, he looked at her and whispers in her ears, and smirks.

"Can I June"

she just nods and at that moment they had kissed the first-ever kiss. Her eyes bulged at first, but she close her eyes eventually after some time he stops the kiss and intertwine his hands. Members are cheered...just like at jeonghan's wedding they stayed for after party.

Mingyu happily open the 🍾 champagne...(like a home run special video on the cruise)They are all drunk and leave.

Then after the party, they headed to their parents and then to their apartment after changing. At last a hectic day... Finished the marriage.

"so starting from today, day1," June said looking at him entering the room

"I know, let's go to sleep" he doesn't look at her

"ok, tomorrow I don't come to the office..."
She said looking for his reaction

"me neither...please go to sleep Mrs," she said without an expression

"ok, whatever," she said unlocking her door.

He is very tired and also kinda aware of his feelings for her that's why he is slightly avoiding her. they go to bed...

After a few hours. ~~ June can't sleep 🌙  
She wakes up and goes to the kitchen for some midnight snacks.  There is he,  stargazing on the balcony...

"It's past 2 in the morning, why are you awake choiseungcheol?" she asked him

He was scared a little bit,
"aah June, you make me scared..." he sighed

"you scared? Why?" She teases him

"yeah, why can't I? Why are you here?"

"I can't sleep, so I came for"

"same...ok take your time, am going..."

again he avoids her and goes to the room... She thinks "what happened to him" and she shrugged it off "but something is off I gotta ask him..." and goes to his room with some snacks. 

"Hey can I come in!!?" she asks

" yes" a small voice came from there

"Can I sit here" she pointed out the couch nearby the bed

"yeah, why do you come here!? Any problem?" he asked out of curiosity

"Seung Cheol are you regretting!?"

"About what" he frowned

" marrying me, and the fake taboos and lying"

" is that you want to talk in the middle of the night"

"what else do I need to talk to you" she looked at him

"ok, for your information am neither regretting nor gonna and also let's not talk about this like I don't want to, I need you to believe me!?" he sits next her

"ok, but why did you avoid me!? " she asked with pouty lips

"I didn't,  and I was avoiding it because I thought I ki...Kissed you without your permission... "

Her face flushed red and replied to him
"it's ok, you just asked me there, don't you remember,?  if you don't do that, we might get caught."

"ok am glad that I ask, so shall we sleep!? Do you wanna sleep here with me!?" he asked her teasingly lying on the mattress

"you, never change, I thought you are avoiding me!! I understand you have wild intentions" she said getting up from the couch

" so cute... bye babe... So please come morning to my room we wanna upload some wedding pics" he waved and winked at her

" ok, good nyt" she leaves there


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