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Ryu hasn't changed at all he still is a obnoxious flirt. However he's way worse than he once was.

"I'll make you fall In love with me by the end of this trip! Then we can get married."

Obito about drops the cart hearing this. You sigh.

"I highly doubt that."

Obito smirks at you rejecting him.

"I'm a patient man, well for you I am. "

You look back at Obito to see him glaring at Ryu.

Obito can't stand this guy, his flirtatious actions rubs Obito the wrong way. Clearly your not interested but the guy still won't quit.

"Do you think your going to be like this the entire trip?" You ask.

"Like I said I plan on winning your heart."

You sigh.

As your trip continues it's hard to stay on gaurd with Ryu by your side.

"And I told the queen-"

"Shh!" Aiha holds up one of her hands.

"I noticed." Obito says.

Apparently your being followed.

"Not even two hours in." You whisper out. You shove Ryu behind you.

"My things, protect my things!"

Obito pulls the cart up more.

"Just stay behind me. Maybe they won't attack."

"How naïve can you leaf ninja be."

Everyone's eyes widen as a rouge ninja sits in the tree infront of you. You all get into battle stance.

9 more rouge ninjas appear out of no where..

You all create a circle around Ryu and his cart.

"Hand him over and we might let you live."

"Not a chance." Aiha says.

"Very well then, die."

The fight was intense and your almost sure these rouge ninjas were better at combat than they let on. However they are doing good at fighting you.

"F/n look out!!" Obito picks you up bridal style just as one of the rouges start to do a lava style jutsu. You look up at him as he holds you close.

Who ever these guys are their good. The cuts and burns on each of your bodies has finally started to slow you down. Obito puts you down only to be thrown back. You jump away and look at Rin to see she's injured but busy taking on a ninja. You place your hand into a praying pose and focuse your Kekkei genkai.

Your body glows sunbright yellow and soon white balls of light erupt from your body into your teammates body's. Instantly their wounds heal.

The fight becomes easier with healed wounds. The ninja are injured and out of breath but this makes it easier to take them out.

The rouges lay defeated on the ground.

"That was amazing F/n!" Rin clasps her hands together.

You smile "thanks, it's my Kekkei genkai.."

Aiha sighs "Is everyone okay?"

Everyone nods.

"Then let's get moving."

Ryu sticks close between you and obito. Obito is clearly not happy being the pack muel.

"Do you want me to pull the cart obito?"

Obito shakes his head "don't worry, I got it."

You look at him for a moment then nod.

It's been hours later and it's becoming dark.

"We should set up camp." Aiha suggests.

You all find a good spot and start setting up camp.

As you sit around the fire Obito takes a seat beside you.

He looks at Ryu who is already asleep.

"That guy.."

You giggle and playfully nudge obito. "Are you jealous?"

Obito pouts "m-maybe."

You blush and slip your hand into Obitos he looks around to see if anyone's looking but their not so he takes your hand.

"I only have eyes for you Obito."

Obito blushes "That makes me happy."

Suddenly Rin gasps. You look at her to see her looking at you both. You quickly detach your hands.

"R-Rin it's not what you think!" Obito stutters out.

"Are you two finally together?! I've wanted this for so long!!" Rin smiles happily.

"N-no, we aren't." You say looking down.

Rins smile faulters. "Aw that's to bad."

Obito frowns probably realizing Rin really doesn't see him in a romantic way.

For the rest of the night Obito kept to himself

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now