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You woke up in the hospital room in a confused daze. Until.. the images of what happen to Obito imprint themselves fresh on your mind.

You let out a sob.


Your eyes widen when your door opens revealing your teammates.

"Kakashi.. Rin..."

Rin puts down the flower she's carrying and runs to your side and envelopes you in a hug. You burry your face into her shirt.

"It's ok.."

You shake your head. "My Obito!.. he's gone!"

Kakashi looks down.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

You look up from rins hold.

"K-Kakashi.. no.. Obito.. wouldn't have been Obito if he wouldn't have done what he did. I-I'm sorry."

Rin walks to Kakashi taking his hand she then takes yours.

"We have to stick together. We are family."

You nod.

1 year later

It's a nice breezey day as you stand over Obitos tomb stone. You gently lay down flowers onto his grave.

"You admitted to loving me.. then you die. Leave it to us to confess at our last moments. I miss you Obito."

"I'm right here." His familiar voice says. Your eyes widen when you see Obito standing not far infront of you.

You At first think your seeing things. He's Obito but scard, somehow he has a full body with a swirled scar.


You step farward and reach out to him not sure if your hallucinating.

He steps into your touch. You gently run your hand over his scard face.

"O-Obito.. it's you."

You let out a sob and envelope him in a hug. Obito wraps his arms around you and melts into your embrace.

"How is this possible?"

Obito chuckles. "I'll tell you."

It turns out Obito was rescued by a guy called zetsu who works with a guy named Madara. Madara was a sickly being just clinging on for life. They wanted Obito for a plan of there's but Obito declined and killed Madara so he couldn't go through with his plan. As for zetsu Obito killed him with fire when he wouldn't let him leave. He took his time coming to the leaf because he had to recover.

"I see, Minato Sensei is hokage now. He will be pleased to see you."

Obito slides his hand into yours.

"Just give me a moment."

You smile softly "Take as long as you need."


You walk into the hokages office hand in hand.

"O-Obito! So it's true?" Minato stands up and quickly hugs the boy.

"It's good to see you Minato sensei."

Minato looks at you. "Let me talk to him, go find Rin and Kakashi."

"My grandma." Obito blurts out.

"I'll send somone to retrieve her quickly. F/n go tell Rin and Kakashi. Kakashi should be on a anbu mission but he should be back by now as for Rin I don't know I'll leave her to you."

You nod then You look at Obitos shirtless form.

The last thing you wanted was to leave him but this was a direct order from the hokage.

"Okay. Obito.. don't go anywhere."

Obito laughs and salutes you.

"I'll be here."

You give him one last look then go out to search for your teammates.

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now