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Morning came and You woke up with a start as Ryu decided to stare at you while you slept.

"I was just admiring your beauty."

You sigh "even so I'm not pleased.. it's not nice to do things like that.. it's—"

"Creepy." Obito finishes your sentence

Ryu looks offended. But you nod in agreement.

"I'm merely a muser admiring some beautiful art."

You sigh as you roll up your bed roll.

"It's fine."

Obito frowns, clearly to him it's not alright.

"Alright after breakfast we should head out." Minato says handing everyone some leftover cooked rabbits.

Harashi was the first one finished with breakfast and after he starts tinkering with a bracelet. It's gold with ruby charms.

"That's really pretty."

Harashi looks up from what he's doing to look at you.

"Thank you."

You smile "how much does that usually go for?"

"A decent amount. It's expensive." Ryu says.

You nod "I bet."

After breakfast you all head out.

It wasn't but an hour into your trip when something seemed off.

Everyone but your guests noticed that you were being followed.

The stalkers just kept getting closer until 5 figures appeared out from the shadows.

You all create a circle around Ryu and Harashi with your weapons drawn.

"Hand over the goods!"

You tighten your grip on your sword.

"Leave us be. You don't want to do this." Minato says as a fact.

"Oh but we do. We know you have jewels! Give them here or we will kill you and take 'em."

No one moves a muscle.

"Alright, be that way." The one closest to you say.

It soon resulted in a all out fight. These rouges knew how to fight. However you all fought better.

As the leader goes to grab Harashi Minato flash steps behind the guy taking him out.

You stab your sword through one of the bandits sides. He lets out a yell as your sword glows red.

Kakashi Rin and Obito quickly take out the others. You all look around when the damage is done.

The rouge ninjas are defeated and you all quickly make it out of the area.

"They were probably following us from the start." Kakashi says.

Minato nods "I think so too. I thought it was going to well."

Ryu has been looking around nonstop since the ambush.

You place your hand on his shoulder and he jumps.

"It's okay." You say softly.

Ryu smiles halfheartedly and rubs the back of his head.

"Right, sorry that was just unexpected."

You smile "that's why you hired us to keep you both safe."

"Y-Yeah, sorry beautiful. I'm not usually this jumpy."

Your smile softens "everything will be fine. We got your back."

The rest of the journey was silent without anything too wild. To be honest Ryu still flirted with you but you take it with a grain of salt.

5 hours later you have arrived at your destination.

"Will I ever see you again?" Ryu asks you.

You laugh "maybe someday."

Obito picks up conversation with Rin. In all honesty you miss his jealous side.

"Here's your payment. Thanks for the protection. Please forgive my son young lady."

You look twards Harashi. "Oh no it's okay really."

You all take your leave. Obito walks beside you as you stretch.

"That went well." You look twards your best friend.

He turns to you with a smile. "It kinda did yeah."

"It could have been worse. I'm just glad I didn't have to deal with Ryu." Rin says making you laugh and Obito frown.

"He was pretty bad but nothing I couldn't handle. It's nice to be told your beautiful to a extent."

"Well he's not wrong there." Obito says then his eyes go wide. Your blushing.

"T-Thank you Obito." You look away blushing and so does Obito.

Rin eyes you two with a smile on her face.

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now