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-9 months later and somewhat days later-

Today a beautiful thing happened.

A baby was born.

Kushina has given birth to a beautiful baby boy and has named him Naruto. You all look farward to meeting him.

Once Kushina and the baby are home you all get the okay to come see.

"Hold him like this, f/n."

You eye the way Kushina holds her baby.

You nod and she hands you Naruto. You look down at the bundle of joy and smile.

"He's so cute."

"Obito, your next." Kushina says gaining the boy's attention. He was busy watching you with a baby.

"Here it's Obitos turn f/n."

You nod and hand Naruto back to Kushina.

Kushina gently places Naruto in Obitos arms.

Obito frowns when Naruto starts to cry. He squirms in Obitos grasp. Kushina quickly takes her bundle of joy back.

Your teammates stay behind while you go into the living room and take a seat on the couch. Soon however Obito joins you.

"You okay f/n?"

You nod "he's so cute. I love babies."

"I noticed. They don't seem to like me."

You look at Obito to see him looking down.

"That's not true. I bet when you have one of your own that they will love you."

He looks at you "me be a dad one day?"

You nod "I want to be a mom one day."

"I bet you would make a great mom."

You blush "only time will tell. I have to grow up first and find a husband heh."

Obito looks around nervously. "R-Right."

"I think we have overstayed our welcome." Rin says behind you making you both jump.

"T-then we should let Kushina rest." You quickly stand up.

Kakashi and Rin look between you and Obito.

"What's with the weird atmosphere?" Kakashi asks

"N-Nothing!" You both say. Rin and Kakashi look at each other.

"Alright then, let's go." Rin walks to the front door opening it. You all exit the residence.

"That was worth while." Kakashi says looking up at the night sky.

Everyone nods.


Kakashi looks at you "F/n's good with babies."

Obito chuckles "yeah."

You smile.

What a day.

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