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Your training has ended and you wind up walking home with Rin because Obito had to do something.

"I -I think Kakashi likes you."

Hearing this your eyes widen.


"It's just he is very familiar with you. He hasn't opened up with Obito and I."

"He's not really opened up with me either. I highly doubt he likes me. I do wonder however why the only one I want to like me doesn't."

Rin looks at you "You like someone?"

You blush and look away. "I-I y-yes.."

Rin looks down "is it Kakashi?"

You laugh and look up at the orange sky. "No, it's not Kakashi."

Hereing this Rin sighs in relief.

"Oh good.." she says under her breath.

It's so obvious she likes Kakashi.

"Rin.. Why does love have to be so difficult."

Rin looks at your dazed expression in the clouds.

"It may be difficult but it's more beautiful and kind and strong. The good outweighs the bad."

You look at her with a soft smile.

"I guess I never saw it that way, thanks Rin."

Rin giggles "No problem."

Rin leaves you half way to your home and now it's just you walking alone.

It's frustrating to you, you love Obito ,Obito loves Rin ,Rin loves Kakashi,Kakashi loves Kakashi it's very difficult being in love. As long as Obito is happy then you will be happy no matter how bad it hurts.

When you arrive home you walk through the door of your home to smell your grandmothers cooking.

As you take off your shoes your grandmother comes around the corner.

"Oh my your a mess. Go shower then I'll feed you."

You give your grandma a kiss on the cheek

"I'll try not to keep you waiting."

Once inside your bathroom You shrug off your clothes. Once their off you look at your self in the mirror. You could be mistaken as a 16 year old with how mature your body is only slightly shorter. You have your mother's beauty its about all you have left of her accept for your Kekkei genkai.

Sighing you start your shower.

While showering your mind wonders.

Why is Obito the only one who doesn't love you? Or like you? Is fate so unfair?

Would you die for this boy?

"I would.. in a heartbeat."

Just remember I'm in here too!

"I still would, sorry Leon."

Once you finish your shower you head downstairs to see your side of the table set with your food placed out.

"Did you have a good day?"

You take a seat. "Thanks for the food Please bless the hands that prepared this meal."

You take a bite out of your dinner and hmm happily.

"I did grandma. We trained hard."

"Do you like it so far?"

You nod "I love it. I'm happy Obito is on my team."

Your grandma chuckles "You two have been inseparable since you were babes. I see you two married someday."

You choke on your food. "G-grandma!"

She smiles "and I'm usually right."

You blush. "H-He likes Rin remember?" You have told her about the situation before.

Your granny kisses your forehead "Love is blind, he will come around."

Your granny leaves you alone while you finish your meal. Once your through you wash your dishes and put them away. You walk into the living room to see your grandmother reading another romance novel.

You yawn. "I think I'm going to head to bed."

"Alright I'll have your clothes ready for tomorrow."

"Thank you Granny."

You kiss your granny and then head upstairs.

"To think granny sees Obito and I married in the future. My head might just explode."

You snuggle inside your bed and sigh.

"If only.."

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now