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Sparing with Rin is nothing. You never hold back even for her and really it was over before it was started.

"Nice job you two. Now for the boys."

Obito sends you a wink of confidence as he readys his  stance. You blush softly. You look at Rin to see her eyeing Kakashi.

"Good luck you two." You say.

Minato looks between the two.


The boys battle was nothing like yours with Rin. In fact it was interesting and thrilling. The two get really down to it punching eachother in the face. Almost 30 minutes later and Kakashi wins.

You walk to Obito as Rin starts healing Kakashis wounds.

"Here I'll heal you." You take Obitos face in your hands and steady your healing process.

"I almost had him f/n."

You hmm "I know, I saw. Alright your good as new."

Obito looks at his reflection in the water.

"That was fast!"

"F/n, Kakashi you will fight next."

You look at Kakashi who's getting healed by Rin.

"I'll win for Obito."

Kakashi scoffs "I'm not going to lose."

You both start off cautiously but you make the first move by round housing Kakashi quickly catching him off guard. He returns the favor and you both pick up to the pace. You managed to win by pinning him onto his stomach.

"See, I win." You say breathless.

"Seems to me your both pretty evenly matched." Minato says

You hop off of Kakashi and high five Obito.

"But I won."

"Yes, f/n you did. It was a close fighting though."

Kakashi frowns "your a worthy sparring partner that's for sure."

He holds out his hand which you soon take in your hand.

"Thanks, you too."

Obito steps infront of you "she's already my sparing partner so get your own!"

You smile "it's true, Obito has first dibs."

Kakashi smiles at you "I'll be sure to remember that."

You watch as Obito gives a territorial glare to Kakashi.

You rub the top of Obitos heads. "Easy now tiger."

Obito pouts "I'm just letting him know not to touch what's mine."

At this you blush.


"Yeah, your my friend before your his."

You roll your eyes. "Obito."

"It's true though, right?"

You sigh but nod. "S-Sure."

You don't know where this jealousy kick is coming from but you kind of like it.

"F/n can you fight obito?" Minato asks intrigued.

You two look at each other with smirks on your faces.


Your sensei watches each match closely and he takes account that your fighting over water. You and Obito are dripping wet as you spar back and forth. You gain the upper hand by wrapping your legs around Obito and pinning him to the river floor by sitting on his chest not allowing him to move.

"It's a little unsteady." You mumble as Obito tries to slip from your grip.

"That's what I'm hoping for!" Obito continues to squirm but he doesn't escape your hold.

"The winner is f/n."

Obito looks up at you with a pout.

"Heheh nice try~" you sing at him. Obito laughs.

"Alright alright just get off! I'm soaked."

You hop off of Obito and jump onto dry ground.

"Its fun!"

Minato smiles "well you all can hold your own on a unstable surfaces.."

Obito walks onto the hard ground leaving puddles behind him.

"What's next???"

Minato clasps his hands together. "Well I think we should continue fighting on water. You all surprise me with how well your able to do it.

"Luckily it's a hot day." You sigh out.  Your teammates agree with you.

"Kakashi and Rin. Your up."

Minatos training lasted for another hour before he decided to dry you all off.

"Rin your getting better at combat training." Obito compliments with a blush.

"T-Thanks, you too Obito."

You watch the two wishing Obito would like you like he likes Rin.

"How did you get so good at combat?" Kakashi asks you.

You turn to him "um I practice with Aiha Sensei."

Kakashi nods "cool, I practice alone. I'd like to have a partner though."

"I really don't mind being your sparing partner too. Don't mind Obito I give him most of my attention with everything else anyway."


You frown "Why do I give him my attention with everything else?"

Kakashi nods "yes."

You smile softly "I guess cause I want to. He's precious to me."

Kakashi hmms "wonder what that feels like."

You take into realization that Kakashi doesn't have many friends or precious people.

"Friendship is precious Kakashi, you'll see."

Kakashi looks around not convinced.

He'll come around.

"I like this kid he's not like you."

You frown at Leon's rude comment.

Thanks Leon.

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