
889 24 12

WARNING: This chapter involves spiders

Finally a B class mission has been assigned to your team. Your mission is to retrieve a scroll from a drop off location. Somone had this mission before you but he hasn't returned so in a way it's also a rescue mission to.

The trip there wasn't bad but soon you noticed something being off.

Your wooded surroundings started to change abruptly. The white silk strings caught your attention first.

"I-is this supposed to be here?" Rin asks as you all walk through the sticky webs.

"What is all this?" Obito says touching a silk web.

"Look!" Kakashi points ahead. You follow his pointing finger. Kakashi runs up to what he sees. When you walk up to the white sack you frown.

"Is that a leaf headband?"

You leans down tearing the silk sack in half. You now hold the head band in your hand. You hand it to Minato.

"This isn't good. Be on your gaurd."

You all continue farward with you tailing the back. Suddenly something grabs you from behind placing silk over your mouth. Your dragged into a nearby hole in the ceiling.

Before you know it your vision goes blank and a creepy limb starts wrapping you up into a coocoon.

You get a shiver down your spin realizing what has you.

Spider!!!! A giant freaking spider!!!

W-what.. what's this feeling.. my chakra.. it's draining..

Your body starts to feel weak and sickly.

-with your team-

The four didn't notice your absence until a few seconds later.

"F/n! Where is she!!" Obito says distraught.

"Shhh, we are being watched!" Minato shushes Obito.

The sound of scurrying feet make the rest of your team draw their weapons.

"W-What is it?!" Rin asks.

Minato gets a glimps at the creature before it retreats into the thread of webs.

"You have got to be Joking! It's a Giant Spider!!" Minato feels a shiver run down his spine.

"A-A What???!" Obito yells creeped out.

"Look!" Kakashi points up to the ceiling.

The three look up to see the leaf shinobi wrapped in a cocoon obviously dead.

"So where's the scroll?" Rin asks.

They all look at the occupied cocoons.

"We have to find f/n!!" Obito looks at Minato.

"We will—" suddenly movement comes from the large hole infront of him.

"Such Noisy pray!!" A half woman half spider emerges from the hole.

Your teammates become on guard.

"Come and give me your chakra!"

The woman holds out her arms and a army of spiders appear. Your team does their best to dodge attacks. Finally Kakashi chidoris the lot of them.

"Hm, well I have what your looking for." The woman holds up the scroll.

"And then some." A large spider crawls out of the hole with a body sized cacoon in its fangs.

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