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-year later-

It started out as another mission, everything was fine. How could something so simple end so badly.

Obito is now crushed under a rock after sacrificing himself for Kakashi. Only half of his body is crushed.

Your heart is in the worst pain imaginable the one you love is dying before your eyes.

"O-Obito!!" You let out a sob and kneel down beside him.

"F/n, don't be sad."

You grab his hand and You let out another sob "You can't do this! I love you you big dork! You can't die!"

Obitos eye widens. His lips tug into a smile the best they can.

"That makes me so happy. I love you too f/n. All this time.. we could have—"

He lets out a cough.

"Obito.." Kakashi says tearing up.

Obito looks from his friend to Rin.

"Rin, I want you to give my sharingan to Kakashi."

You reluctantly let go of his hand. You move away allowing Rin to take your place.

As the procedure is underway you continue to cry.

You look over at the three to see Rins finished.

"Kakashi, keep Rin and F/n safe. Promise me?" Obito coughs out.

"I promise." Kakashi says.

"Atleast now I can die knowing their in safe hands."

At the word die you heart pangs.

"Go. Finish the mission."

Kakashi stands up taking Rins hand and as you walk up he takes yours too.

"Come on."

You look at Obitos lifeless form then let Kakashi drag you both off.

Your in a complete daze as the mission continues. So much you didn't realize the trap you stepped in. As the trap goes off the captor grabs you disappearing into the smoke.

You don't know how long that it had been since you were taken, they are talking about sealing the three tails inside of you.

Your strung up in some odd looking chains.

"It's not working!! You got the wrong girl!" One mist ninja says.

"It will!"

You look inside yourself to find Leon furious.

If they remove me from you then they can seal that other in you. Don't let them figure that out.

Your vision blurs in and out as they keep trying to seal the beast to you.

Fail after fail they don't seem to figure out your soul is already occupied. Day almost months have went by the time they figured it out. It was to late however as your rescue mission was already underway. Before you know it your lifted from the hideout, your captors utterly defeated.

My Heart (Obito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now