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After apologizing and finally talking it out with Savannah, Elvira leaves for her home. Something in her decides to take her phone and leave a text for Seo Joon. 'Hey teach. How about we study at your place today?'

 Seo Joon is mindlessly editing one of his anime fan art when he takes his phone and jumps out of his gaming chair after reading her message. No is the first thing that comes to his mind. But he contemplates whether or not to invite her over and impress her with his multi-talented self.

 I will look like a self-absorbed douche if I show off my skills. But then again I could prove her wrong by showing her that I'm not boring!

Two days ago, Seo Joon was tutoring Elvira for an upcoming test she had on Blood and Circulation. It was quite a big chapter to cover since Seo Joon had to start from basics as Elvira knew nothing.

 It was an even bigger challenge as Seojoon planned on having his friends over to hang out. So after two hours had passed and it was almost more than 9:15 Seo Joon's punctual self decided to talk.

 'Elvira, can we end our session for today?' 

She replied without looking up from her notebook,

 'Why Mr. Kim? It's me who always wants an early leave but looks like the tables have turned today huh?'

 'Firstly, you can call me by my name and I actually have plans for today.' 

She finally looked up from her notebook.

 'Plans like solving a thousand math in an hour? Or having a discussion with your stupid iPad about why Darwin's theory is questionable? Oh please. You can do those 'boring smart kid' things later. And my mom's paying you so yeah.' She ended with a mocking smile.

 'Really. I got a life outside studies.' 



 'Okay fine teach. If you wanna go be your boring self then why not. I got a party to attend as Serena Ashton's daughter so bye!' She got up from her chair and left the room leaving a skeptical Seojoon. 

Do I appear that boring to her?

After spending five whole minutes Seo Joon finally replies to her text. 'Why not?' He looks around the room and sighs to himself.

 Well, at least my house looks organized. 

Then he remembers something which makes him run to the kitchen. Elvira loves all sorts of snacks and Seojoon knows this through his best bud Zeneth. He put it exactly like this. 

'Her tastes in food matches mine perfectly so don't worry Joon and make the stuff that I like. Don't forget to keep some leftovers for me!' 

So he makes up his mind on cooking carbonara ramen that is mildly flavored, from scratch, and all sorts of sweet desserts starting from mochi to strawberry sandwiches. Meanwhile, Elvira is stuck with her usual Martial Arts and piano lessons. 

By the time she reaches home, she looks beaten. As she didn't shower earlier today, she decides to take a quick shower as the thought of not showering will give her OCD. After she's done showering, she gets dressed and puts one of the straps on her shoulder. 

                                                             ★彡𝓔𝓵𝓿𝓲𝓻𝓪'𝓼 𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓯𝓲𝓽 彡★

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                                                             ★彡𝓔𝓵𝓿𝓲𝓻𝓪'𝓼 𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓯𝓲𝓽 彡★

When she reaches 4007, the apartment on the 40th floor she rings the doorbell. Seo Joon just finishes decorating the table with all the dishes he made and runs to the front door, opening it. 

'Hey. Am I at the right house though?' 

Elvira asks looking at him when he looks down to realize he still has his white kitchen apron which has an avocado printed on it saying 'Best Chef in the Universe!'

 'Ye-yeah come in.'

 He forces a smile on his flustered face as his cheeks turn into a light pink shade before Elvira gets in taking her brown boots off. Seo Joon rushes to the kitchen and unties the apron, embarrassed. She sits on the couch making herself feel at home as she notices her favorite track playing on the TV. 'Merry go round of life- Howl's Moving Castle's Soundtrack' and the pleasant waft of food.

 'Woah it smells nice here. Nice apron by the way.'

 Seo Joon folds the cause of his embarrassment away since it was a gift from his mom when he impressed her by making a gourmet three-course meal. Ever since then, he took care of it. He goes to the living room to see Elvira reading something on her tablet before she puts it away. 

'Okay, so what are we studying today?'

 'I was thinking since we study all the time, how about we rest for today and get to know each other better? I mean it's been a few weeks since I am teaching you though we know nothing about each other.' 

Ever since that meltdown incident, Seo Joon feels like he is more comfortable around her. The first time he talked to Elvira, he was technically scared.

 'That would be lovely. I mean anything's better than studies.'

'I... Um actually did something for you.' 

'Oh, what is it?' 

'Follow me.' She gets up and follows him to the dining table as her eyes glisten looking at the decorations and food.

 'Oh. my. God.' She pauses after every word.

 'You did all this? Are you sure it's not from a five-star restaurant?!' She exclaims as he shyly nods. 

'This is amazing. Literally-' Seo Joon pulls a chair for her as she sits and he sits across her.

 'Okay, we barely know each other how come you made all my favorite dishes?'

 'Probably because I'm a good guesser.'

 After she takes a bite of a peach coloured mochi her eyes go wide. 

'This is seriously the best thing I've had in my 17 years of life. Not exaggerating. Wanna be our personal chef?' Seo Joon feels really elated as he smiles heartily. 

Wait did he always have those dimples whenever he smiled or did I notice it just now? 

She questioned herself. It is more than 11 o'clock and Min Seok called Elvira at least ten times. Time passed so fast with both of them chatting, they didn't even notice 3 hours have gone by. 

They say their goodbyes as Elvira gets on their glass elevator looking at the beautiful sight of the city at night and thinking,

Damn. It low-key felt like a date. Was it though?

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The end of chapter 12. It took me a while to upload so I'm hoping you guys would like it. And I didn't include many details from the 'date' because more important stuff will be there later on :) 

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