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It's another beautiful day at the Knight's household. The happy family living on the 33'rd floor of the Emerald Palace. Amelia wears her diamond hairclip alongside the diamond bracelet Elvira gave to all her friends. She attaches her Velcro name tag which has her name embroidered in Emerald thread from Paris. One of the many extra things Elvira did for her friends. 

She walks into the dining room to be greeted by the girls This is a usual thing for them as Amelia's mom is the only mom among their group who can cook and enjoys making new dishes for them to try. And the girls absolutely adore how sweet and wholesome Amelia's parents are. And the only home where the parents have a life outside of earning money

 Today her mom made a new type of chicken. Amelia sits beside Elvira as she sees her wiping tears from the corner of her eye.

 'Is it too spicy El?' 

She asks concerned about her best friend. She sniffs before replying. 

'No! This is absolutely delicious, I love it!'

 She's lying to make mom happy. This girl can't even bear a pinch of spicy stuff.

 Meanwhile, Kira sits at the other side of the table biting off green chili as a whole. As everyone's busy talking and eating, Elvira whispers to Amelia. 

'Lia, you got any chocolate milk? My tongue is on fire-' Amelia bursts into laughter.

 'Who told you to eat this, you silly girl?' 

'Mrs. Knight has literal magic in her hands. Even spicy stuff tastes good.' 

Amelia hands over a cold choco milk box to Elvira.

 'I have to go early today. Thanks, Lia! Bye guys!' She beams as she heads out of the house.

What is she up to? Ever since Seo Joon started teaching her, she has been acting super weird.

 Soon after everyone leaves for school. Most mornings Amelia goes to school half an hour early to read books in the library. But today she goes directly to the classroom in search of Elvira.

 When she reaches, she sees her desk decorated with a white and red bouquet of roses and a ton of gifts wrapped in various wrapping papers. Elvira has a distinctive smile on her face as she walks up to Amelia with five gifts stacked on top of each other in her hands.

 'It's not my birthday El. Who's pulling this weird prank?' Her smile turns into a smirk. 

'I wonder who. Anyways look at the gift that's labeled 30.' Amelia searches for it and sees a note written on top of it that says,

 'Thirty days of falling for a beauty like you,' which has no name written on it. A frown forms on her forehead as she walks to the front of the class, holding the note in the air. 

'Who in the world is doing this joke?' 

Someone walks through the entrance of the classroom making everyone gasp. One of the popular seniors, the whole school's crush, and probably the teachers as well, makes his way to Amelia.

30 days before now, 

Zeneth was sitting across from the popular girl gang. He was scribbling away some solutions to a math problem but thanks to the girls in front of him, every time his answer was wrong. As they have all the privileges in the world, Zeneth couldn't actually say anything. He slammed the copy and looked at the Emerald Palace's spoiled kids. 

As he was examining the girls, two girls on the right side of the table caught his attention. He zoomed in on the nametags and read 'Elvira' and 'Amelia'. Amelia Knight. Ever since that day, all Zeneth could think about was Amelia. 

Her appearance was the first thing he noticed. Since he also had a big influence on the school, he discovered her scholarship certificate and was amazed by her intelligence.

 One day, Amelia went to her violin practice as usual which was right beside the piano practice. As she was done, she was spotted in the children's playground voluntarily giving them violin lessons. 

Then it came to him. She is so busy all day, but she can play the violin perfectly. Even gave away voluntary lessons but still kept up her scholarship streak. But him? After that day, he also thought of voluntary teaching as he was very good at math.

 A significant day was when Zeneth was sorting through some of the worksheets of his student. His best friend Kim Seo Joon came from behind and patted his back. 

'You are really bad at hiding your emotions, you know that?' 

'What do you mean?' Zeneth asked puzzled. 

'Not even in a million years, you would take the responsibility of teaching. Who's this person that inspired you or to be specific, who is she?' He asked, emphasizing the word 'she'.

Zeneth's head fell on the table.  

'Amelia. Amelia Knight. I'm just swayed by how amazing she is. Not even a single day goes without thinking about her. I don't know what to do...' 

'Amelia's Elvira's best friend.' 

'Yeah, I know.'

 'And I tutor Elvira.' 

'Wait, what?' He raises his head with a hint of hope in his eyes.

'Amelia Knight, it has been over a month since I have fallen for you. Throughout these thirty days, I came to know a lot about you, and you inspired me a lot. You even made me a better version of myself. I've met a lot of people in my life, but the effect you have on me is surreal. I know it may sound weird, but I just wanted to let you know about my feelings.' 

Amelia stands in front of him completely speechless. She is trying to process everything that happened for the past 20 minutes. The silence in the classroom is disrupted by the bell as Zeneth says,

 'No worries, take your time and let me know about your decision whenever you want to.' 

He flashes his famous smile before heading out of the classroom, making half of the female population in the classroom squeal. Elvira waves at him as he waves back.

 'It's okay Lia. If you don't wanna be with him, it's fine. And if you do, I'll support you.'

there goes chapter nine dedicated to @bloomingbluebell10, Hopefully you liked it! 

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there goes chapter nine dedicated to @bloomingbluebell10, Hopefully you liked it! 

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