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"WHAT IS IT LIKE TO LIVE IN A FANTASY?" You have always had this thought. When you were young, you frequently asked questions similar to this. You developed a daydreaming habit as a result of leading a solitary existence. If they were real was what mattered to you. Fairytales, fantasies, and dreams. If you went through life thinking about them, they most definitely weren't real. Would you be so fooled by such a wonderful surprise? Your possessions were things you didn't want. What were you seeking? Which did you require? Were you infatuated with a single theme?

You stood up. You were by yourself and it was dawn. You didn't know what to do at the moment. Around the France castle, you had no idea where anything was. Salvatore didn't show up. Nobody was present. Nobody was familiar to you. The material of your new bed's blankets and coverings was one thing that irritated you. The bed Giorno provided you were missed. But it made no difference.

You've been gone for two days now. possibly three. The door to your door had quietly opened as you stood up. One entered the room as you were looking at it. He was holding a platter of food, and it was Salvatore. "How are you, Y/n?"

You blinked for a few seconds. "I'm alright. It's just very hard to adjust to this life."

"It's fine. You will learn a lot. You will learn the French way of being a royal." Salvatore said as he set your food on the bed. "Eat up. I made it."

Looking at the delicious food you stared at him. "You made this?" You questioned as he nodded. Toasted bread and jelly powdered with sugar with a side of delicious fruits and a little cup of tea. "Thank you."

Salvatore smiled as he sat next to you. "You know, I am a great cook." As you stuffed your face you tilted your head. Why was he still here? Why wasn't he leaving?

"I can tell." You said. "The jelly is very sweet but it's good. Where did you learn how to cook?"

"I was practically isolated so I just learned many things my mother taught me," Salvatore spoke. "She would always tell me 'A man cannot earn a woman if he cannot give her anything.'"

You raised a brow. "What does that have to do?"

He just shrugged and sighed. "My father taught me how to be a man to live in this harsh world. But my mother taught me how to be a ladies' man. She always said things about that..."

You just laughed. "Are you sure? Your mother taught you how to be a ladies' man? You are charming." You said as you pointed your fork at him.

"Yes. But I don't know. I don't know if I like this life." He spoke. "Don't you think having a life where you are living with those who love you is the best?" He whispered as looked up. "I wish I had that."

"A life where people love you? Don't you have your mother and father? They seem loving to me."

He nodded. "My mother died at a young age. And my father grew old and bitter because of her death. He isn't the best thing, I would tell you. But I have to look up to him."

"I'm sorry." You told him. "I bet your mother was good. A beautiful woman too."

"She was, but I guess that's all gone." He said as he looked at you. His dark locks and his deep gray eyes made him very beautiful. To be lost in such beautiful eyes—was something you always were lost at. He sighed as he changed the topic. "Anyways, Y/n, I would like you to accompany me after you eat."

"Where are you going to take me?"

"Somewhere. But you might not like it."


𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now