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"STAY PUT TRAITOR!" The guards surrounded you and the man as Giorno yelled. Had this been your line? The man's face was gloomy when you glanced at him. He had wrinkled brows.

Salvatore murmured, "Run, Miss Y/n. I do not think you belong in this situation." Suddenly, Giorno grabbed you by the arm and pulled you behind him.

Giorno said, "You will have nothing left of you tomorrow. Not even the last piece of the sunlight. Take him, guards, and make sure he doesn't escape!"

But before Giorno could direct the guards, Salvatore had vanished and quickly murdered more than two persons. Your eyes were wide open as you gasped. That was unattainable. He wasn't able to instantly kill two guards. Right?

"What?! What is happening?" As you turned to face Giorno, you exclaimed. Giorno allegedly just murdered two of us. Are you serious? He moved too quickly. He moved too quickly for you to see him. Where did he go? What exactly did he do?

Giorno tightened his fists and turned to face you and his guards. This outcome wasn't meant to happen. When someone tampers with their dreams, this is what occurs. "Stay with me, Y/n. More can depart from us. We may mourn their passing later because, as I stated, we have more pressing issues. Please don't make me repeat myself."

Your fist clenched. "You never told me that this was our arrangement! I agreed to assist you, but I had no idea that you would drag me into a hellhole of a world!" Giorno, though, had squelched your complaints as you persisted.

"This is a waste of time. Don't make me repeat everything."

You regretfully nodded as you took on his face. Although you were aware that you couldn't make him upset, he constantly annoyed you for no apparent reason. Why did those eyes of his become so dark?

You slowly rose from your defensive position. Looking to Giorno for direction, you noticed that he was telling the guards to go on the lookout. "Stay with me, Y/n. I don't want you to perish in the open."

However, did this Salvatore man employ a stand? Was this person powerful enough to murder Giorno? Was this person not the one that was mentioned? Did we miscalculate his abilities and power?

"I'm not weak and I know how to fight!" You spoke as Giorno covered your mouth, again.

"Be quiet, please." He stated while raising a finger to signal silence. "I'm not suggesting you're weak, but I have a strong impression he's taken an interest in you," He said.

"Is that a concern?"

"Of course, it is. I can't let a traitor take one of my dear ones."

"Yeah, sure." You replied, you rubbed your head and gave a shrug. Giorno started to approach you suddenly. With his face so near to yours, it seemed as though he was trying to scan you. You stared into his emerald eyes, wondering why he was so close to you.

"What topics did you two discuss?" He spoke sternly. "I'd like to know."

Oh. You observed him as he started to back away. What made him sound that way? Why did he gaze at you so threateningly? You paused briefly before continuing, "Well, I guess some...stuff," as he furrowed his brows.

"I didn't want that responsibility."

"We must focus since you said we must." You said rolling your eyes until someone screamed painfully in the distance. You swiftly glanced at Giorno and immediately understood what the Salvatore man was planning. "Giorno, don't be tentative with your stand. I've heard positive things about it."

"It's dangerous, Y/n. You don't comprehend—"

You and Giorno were suddenly surrounded by a strange glow. Perhaps you picked up on the man's presence? And you were correct, too. He was in your rear. You had the impression that his aura was sapping your strength. It was pitch-black and gave you a sense of seclusion. However, why did you feel so queasy?

You gradually heard footsteps. The rhythmic thumped between your ears and the tension grew with each step. "Well, I never thought a lady would assist 'The Giorno Giovanna.' I genuinely believed you were blameless." said Salvatore. "I did like you, Y/n. But I'm not going to let anyone take my dream." He continued as he abruptly took hold of your wrist. Giorno, though, had halted him by calling his stand before he could.

"Gold Experience Requiem!" Giorno bellowed. "I can't tell what kind of dream you have, but you'll never realize it. You are a complete moron. This is a requiem."

But silence crept the corner as Salvatore could only chuckle at Giorno's stupidity. "Oh? I was constantly aware of the "All Mighty Giorno's" stand." Salvatore laughed. "You are exactly what the rumors claimed. Irritable and prickly."

"Traitor, I won't let you escape. We know you work for the French King, but I don't know who you are or care." Giorno said because you were unsure of what to do. So far, you seem to be useless. Giorno did the majority of the work here, but you were always there. You saw them as they exchanged ominous looks of enmity. Even the growing tension was palpable. You felt the chills.

"The King of France? I need a break. You're wasting my time with your rambling." Salvatore stated firmly. He looked downcast at Giorno and had black eyes. "We will meet again. But this time, you won't be able to read the future." He said as he gave you a slight smirk. And...

Was that it? Was it? He simply vanished in that manner? Salvatore wrapped his cape around him and vanished into nothing. But the fact that Giorno had permitted him to flee was what unnerved you. You raised doubt about it right away because of the way he was acting. Lightheaded? fell asleep easily? He blinks quickly as well. Odd.

"Giorno, you allowed him to flee! How about our strategy? What about the others?" Concerned about what had occurred, you yelled. You turned to look at Giorno because you were startled by his sudden stillness and saw him abruptly clutching his head. His blinking eyes were steadily growing farther apart. Was it a dream, or did he suddenly get a red face? He was trembling despite this, but what exactly was going on? You didn't know. You didn't understand.



a/n: I keep changing everything abt this fanfic and not even making chapters 💀

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