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YOU SAT THERE IN SILENCE AS EVERYONE HAD ALREADY LEFT. Giorno wanted to dismiss everyone except you, and you were confused. It was probably about the madness that had happened.

"So...did you need something?" You questioned as Giorno still sat up in his bed avoiding eye contact. "I'm quite confused."

"You are in grave danger, and Salvatore claims to know you...He is looking for you." Giorno stated. "Do you remember him?"

"...Not to my extent...maybe I know him but I don't remember anything." You said. "I think there was a boy who taught me how to play this game with the little nuts we found on the floor. I don't know if that is him."

"I see...and what if it is him? What shall we do?" Giorno questioned. "I have a plan...but if we choose to do this then I need your consent. You will turn yourself into Salvatore."

"You can't just do that...what if, he does something bad and...God, I don't know at this point." You spoke. This was indeed too much. What was he thinking? You couldn't just give your life and body to that guy. Risking everything just for him, was already too much. "Giorno, this is too much." You said. "If you keep this up then our contract is over."

"However, I did not indicate that we would implement that strategy. Don't imagine that leaving will be that simple." Giorno said as he stood up gradually.

"Why are you getting up? You are ill." You said as he got to his feet and left the room, heading out onto the balcony. You arrived at that location after him and were welcomed by the brilliant moon. He shouldn't have been awake at this hour as it was already night. However, something told you that you ought to let him stay awake.

When you turned to face Giorno, his golden hair was let down and he was dressed in a white bathrobe. If you had to be honest, he looked better this way. With his hair down, he appeared older, and you found him to be handsome. Well, you always did...but he always pissed you off. His eyes were pretty, he was tall...his voice too.

"Who claimed I was ill?" Giorno smirked. "Although I didn't intend to faint, I did intend to pretend to be ill." Giorno continued to smirk as he spoke. While observing him, you fiddled with the bottom of your dress. Although it was awkward, you felt strange for some reason. What exactly was that thing?

Giorno swung around to face you. He raised your chin to face him while placing a finger under it. "Do you trust me, Y/n? Please tell me."

After a brief period of blinking, you spoke, "Hmm, I suppose so. You know, you might be a little bit pressured. No, annoying is not the right term."

"How's that?" Giorno sternly said as he walked closer to you. Suddenly...he pinned you down. Your back hit the wall as you two were outside on the balcony alone. His voice was raspy, and he was breathing quite quickly.

You quickly looked away and avoided contact with him. "Well...uh...you get me pissed off sometimes...and then I get angry..." You spoke. "Yeah, I do trust you-"

"You have to prove it," Giorno smirked, slowly moving his head closer to you, eventually whispering in your ear. "I want to hear it."

The unexpected behavior caused your eyes to widen, and before you knew it, Giorno had you in his grip. Giorno's eyes were hidden, but you could see his fangs as they gradually opened. Fangs. He had teeth! You immediately responded to your senses and made an effort to push Giorno away. But he was too powerful before, no matter how hard you tried.

𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now