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YOU BLINKED AS YOU SPUN. Whether your entire life was not some odd, dazzling tapestry or endless strands of gibberish, you felt as though you were dreaming. When you opened your eyes, you had collided with a person after feeling your feet make contact with the ground first. As you recoiled, your head spinning, music blasted in your ears, piercing the clamor of conversation and laughter as bodies pressed up against your flesh and the fog of your thoughts.

The impression of everything was present. Still, you immediately understood where you were. You were unconcerned. Someone grabbed your hand and spun you around as you were walking away. You glanced at their clasped hands, then at his face, startled to see that it was the same person, wondering whether you had imagined the panic that flickered in and out of his eyes.

"Where are you headed?" Salvatore made a statement. He made a different sound. Not the same young man you first met, who was aloof. "You don't have any plans to flee, do you?"

You simply giggled awkwardly "Salvatore, I'm not trying to escape. I'm trying to find someone." You managed to get your hand free of his and pushed through the crowd, appreciative of the protection the robe provided because you had some weapons concealed beneath it. A lot of people had walked by you as if you didn't exist, never quite bringing their gazes up to your face. The idea that so many strangers didn't wish you well while you carelessly ignored them was disconcerting.

"I'm still keeping an eye on you, Y/n." Salvatore continued speaking as he followed you closely. You merely kept walking while ignoring him without turning around.

"Your word?" You stated. "Why are you so concerned that I would attempt to flee?"

"Because it will be a difficult night. Although my major objective in being here is to recover you, I also want to carry out a few tasks in exchange for being released from some quite sizable obligations." Salvatore paused and spoke. "Do you get scared easily?"

You stared at him, amused by him. "You insult me even by asking the question."

"Then I ask for your word."

"You will not have it."

His eyes narrowed "I beg your pardon?"

"Only if you promise not to hurt anyone." You said. "Swear you won't do anything bad—"

"Oh come on now, you ask for too much."

"You want my word not to run away?" You questioned. "Well, I need to be able to trust you. Give me your word."

"Fine," he muttered angrily. "However, I must warn you that there will be consequences if you reverse course. At half past, my group and I will come to get you. Before midnight, we must accompany you to our ride; otherwise, our driver will go to sleep, which will take a lot of time to fix."

You were aware of their strategy. Although it won't be simple to apprehend you, escaping would also not be simple. The French army was among the most formidable institutions. You have no idea if they even had stood. You alone wasn't the ideal plan.

You passed him as you walked and ultimately lost him in the bustle. You tried to settle your breathing by closing your eyes. Although she filled the space with her thoughts, you weren't sure where you were standing because you could hear your heart thumping.

How, now, would she be tortured?


You tensed up. Your pulse raced dangerously close to your throat, and your heart beat rapidly. This was painful. To just turn around and gaze into someone else's eyes was torturous.

Giorno appeared before her, and he was gorgeous. He wore more sparkling jewels around his neck, reaching his chin. You never expected him to wear that, yet he did. He did have me spellbound. The prince, he is. You missed.

"Y/n." Even though it was now whispered, he repeated himself. He made no effort to hide his need as he fixed his gaze on her. He wasn't sure what she was thinking, though. Every aspect of you—your face, your hair, your clothing—was scrutinized by his eyes. Standing next to him, you experienced weakness. Nothing went as planned. How was it he saw you?

You caught a fleeting glance of him while he was reviving a long line of guests that you were sure would keep him busy for the rest of the evening. However, all he wanted was you. not even the countless number of ladies who are standing by.

Giorno let out a long sigh that startled you out of your reverie. He tried to release his collar by pulling on it. "What's that?" You softly asked. "Are you hurt?"

Giorno shook his head, appearing a little uneasy, but masking it with a quick chuckle. "Cara, it's nothing. Only I find these costumes to be oppressive. I despise wearing these. It has a prickly sensation. It shouldn't be rigid and coarse."

"Needles?" You squinted. You felt him becoming tenser as you caressed him and moved your hand along the golden brocade. "Can gold be woven into silk?" You inquired. "This silk is tough because gold is woven inside of it. You must approach it with care."

"Yes, I'm hurting." Giorno moved in your direction. "A large amount of it"

Several times blinking, you took a step back, "That makes me sad to hear. But I never anticipated that you'd be so delicate about gold. This entire castle is covered in gold tatters. All things are—" Giorno touched you, and you suddenly stopped breathing. His hands touched your waist and drew you in. His fingertips brushed against your flesh through the fabric of your dress as his hands proceeded to your hips. He was right there. He smelled nice as well.

He questioned, "I thought you weren't going to come tonight—Even after everything we did last night, it was difficult to convince you."


He said, "Say you came back for me." His voice carried a hint of desire. "Tell me you come to rescue me from these women, please."

Your hands started to shake as you asked, "How—how can you possibly utter such things on an evening you are intended to choose another as your bride?"

"I choose you," he merely said. "I want you,"

You paused. "We—Giorno, you cannot— You know it would only bring madness."

"I see." Giorno turned his head away from your body as he got nearer to you. "We both know why you came here, but there's another reason you're here."

You remained silent. There was nothing you could think of saying. As you were standing there, you heard him sigh. "Yes. Your plan is clear, Giorno."

Giorno gave her a startling up-close look. "Exactly how do you know the King of France?"

What gives you the impression that I am related to the king? You inquired. "I was only a young child when Salvatore and I became friends. His father and I never shared a bond." You lied.

"I see," Giorno spoke. "Then why...are you so scared to go back?"

"I- I can't say."

"Y/n. I am serious. They want you. They want you for a reason I simply cannot know. Tell me."

"Giorno... Salvatore and I are set to wed. However, I resisted and took off. His father doesn't want him to marry any other ladies. Only the son of the French King is interested in me." You made a statement. "I am aware that the king is present. Everybody here is trying to find me."

"Y/n, you can't! You can't go back and get married to him...You can't."

You shushed him. "But I can kill him. But when I kill him, please come save me."

A shock of fear moved through the palace. An apprehension you and Giorno could feel. The works of a stand user. It was Salvatore. Only he had the power to kill in a second. Half of the Italian guards were dead. Who would've thought the King would bring such madness?



𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚Where stories live. Discover now