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GIORNO RAN AFTER THE THEFT AS SOON AS HE SAW the red jewel shine from the sun's reflection. This person moved as quickly as a flash, which no one could see with the naked eye. But Giorno couldn't help but wonder if this individual was even human.

This disguised individual was swift, yet they had a very small build. I mean, it couldn't have been a lady, could it? That, at least, was Giorno's opinion. They rushed rapidly and dodged numerous strikes and gunshots, indicating that they were skilled fighters. But why are they pursuing the jewel in the first place?

Giorno's face flushed as he ordered the guards to pursue the masked figure, but the echoes of their shouts lingered in his ears. They wouldn't stop talking, and Giorno was beginning to regret phoning them.

Giorno had previously proven himself to be a top performer in military guard training. He recently graduated and is capable of commanding large armies, but his father forbade him from doing so. As a result, Giorno despised his father and never met his mother, who was a blood relative. His father's sole purpose in life is to bring in beautiful ladies, sleep with them, and then murder them. That was a waste of time... Giorno was simply perplexed as to why he was born.

He kept running after the person even though he was exhausted. Why am I committing such a blunder? I should just delegate all of the jobs to the guards... But then Giorno caught a glimpse of the disguised person's face...it was a girl. He had a strategy now that he knew the gender.


IM GOING TO DIE. I'm going to die. The voice that lingered in your head said. Your hands covered your lips as you hid behind a wall. In your hands, held a shiny red jewel necklace that dangled every time you ran. And you stole it. The cries and screams of their search for you resonated in your ears. Your breathing was irregular, and you were sweating excessively. With each stride, they took, your heart began to race even faster. You were trembling. You had just arrived in a kingdom you'd never heard of and things weren't going well. You made it inside the kingdom and passed the soldiers at the front gate, but you believed at least one of them noticed you and is now pursuing you, but something was up with the one chasing you other than the guards.

You thought you heard footsteps. Your strategy was never supposed to work out like this and you never imagined you'd come across a kingdom and wake up the warriors. It was your fault that you ended yourself in this situation, and you were the only one who could change it.

But you were aware of it. The clanking of their metal armor could be heard as they went. They were advancing toward you, and it seemed like they were getting closer. You took a quick look around and decided to seek refuge elsewhere. How much longer could you run and hide in the shadows? The warriors donned gold-plated metal armor that sounded rusty and inconvenient. As they went, the metal clanked, and their yells could still be heard. They were in charge of a large group and they were wielding large swords that, if you held them, would very likely break your hands. But, in that extensive protection, how do they avoid dying of heatstroke? You felt as if you were about to pass away. The heat was unbearable, and you had never experienced anything like that in your life.

You hid amid the masses because the kingdom was crowded. You attempted to look regular, but your outfit drew a lot of attention. They must've realized that you weren't around here. Your e/c didn't match, and neither did your accent. A child had approached you before and they saw you and stared deeply into your eyes; You were irritated by the child's behavior till the mother whisked her away, startled. Was it true that she was scared? You pondered what their issue was; perhaps they were just different. Alternatively, you may have been someone else.

You continue to sweat after swallowing a sip of nothing. Even more, footsteps can still be heard, but she was hidden in a large crowd, making it difficult to be seen, but then the army wouldn't know where they would attack her from. Fortunately, you had a knife hidden deep inside your pocket, and in the other pocket, the necklace. You grew up without parents in your old hometown and got nothing in return. But you developed the habit of picking pockets and stealing in the dark. You had stolen the knife in your pocket from a random individual. And now you'd have to steal money. To you, it was easy to steal while walking through these large crowds of people buying items. Theft and violence were at an all-time high, and you were one of those people.

After hiding and running for a bit, you were drawn to a group of dancers. They dressed provocatively and danced for men and money. They were prostitutes, to be sure. You would never become one of those women if it weren't for the fact that you were dead. The males were only looking at them with passion in their eyes—lust. It was revolting, and you were curious as to what the dancers thought of it. They were unconcerned about the men and only cared about money.

You still ran and took breaks to pretend that you were going shopping. What's more, you'd already made off with a large sum of money. This would allow you to make a livelihood for a week, after which you would be completely alone, living your own life without any constraints or advantages.

You went about your business until you were tapped on the shoulder by a magician who recounted fortunes and the future. Though you never believed in any of their prophecies, they were always easy to cultivate you so you ignored him.

A little after, you unexpectedly found yourself standing in front of a wooden stage with a crowd of onlookers. It was most likely a show, but you didn't realize it until you saw the wooden sign with all the headlines and crimes for the day. But you wondered why they all stood there. You thought it was a waste of time, until a man, dressed in regular commoner attire, shouted from the stage a few minutes later after you tried to attempt to get out of the crowd.

"A masked woman who stole the red jewel of death is on the loose!" If an individual finds her and brings her to the royal family, they will be rewarded with everlasting happiness!" The man shouted. "If an individual finds her and brings her to the royal family, they will be rewarded with everlasting happiness!"

You went completely still. Did you understand that correctly? Was it true that a bounty has been placed on your head just because you stole some necklace?

You quickly sprinted off, running. Even more, shouts proceeded to fill your ears; they were now audible everywhere. They followed you around while you walked and ran. You weren't sure what you were expected to do now. You wondered about many things and you were still perplexed as to why you were born this way...Until you were snatched from behind the wall and was greeted by a stunning man.

No way. you weren't joking or daydreaming when you said that. It was correct. You were just kidnapped by a man who didn't appear to be very old. You assumed he was around your age. The man looked at your face, particularly your eyes. Was he here to catch your attention or what? You fixed your gaze on him. He had a striking appearance. Unlike you, he was attractive and tall, with even more gorgeous eyes—they were green. He had a good-looking figure with a strong jawline. His face had a masculine appearance with a hint of femininity and his hair—was unexpected. He has three blonde curls on his forehead and the back of his hair was in a braid.

As the man grabbed your arms, your face lit up with bewilderment. It felt as if he was about to take your soul away as he peered deeply into you. All the eye contact was making you sick, so you took a look at his clothes and abruptly shoved him aside. It wasn't the case. They'd already heard the news. He was dressed in opulence. He was a member of the royal family. Those who will be handed up to you by the citizens. There wasn't a single person in this kingdom who is your friend.

"Shh, don't say anything or they'll come after you." You came to a halt, he spoke in hushed tones. Was he your friend or your foe? No. There was no one you could trust now that you had a bounty on her head...And there you were, struck by a golden beast.



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