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GIORNO SHIFTED HIS GAZE. Giorno Giovanna was the prince of Italy and he was granted the authority to check out the townspeople and how they lived. Under his role, his father, Dio Brando, was king. And he soon had to retire and be forced to step down and give the throne to his son. But never in Giorno's eighteen years has he ever lived to call the monarch his father.

Giorno took a stroll around town. Today was a rare cultural day in Italy when the people came together to stage a massive flea market. Because of their tradition, many foreigners from faraway kingdoms have come to join them, allowing them to expand in a variety of ways.

They didn't even seem to notice the prince striding among them. Giorno was dressed in a way that concealed his figure, but he was typically alone. Isolated from the rest of the world.

It is said that Giorno Giovanna was granted unique powers at a young age by the powers of God. His powers allowed him to quickly drive out evil and invade several enemy lands. And that is how the Italian kingdom evolved to its well-known magnitude in terms of money and power. But their wealth and power expanded in bad ways as a result of the prince's achievement.

Though the kingdom's structure and customs were unjust, one thing they dreaded about the royal family was that they would use their power and fury against the people. Many tales have circulated across the village that the monarch was a vampire who murdered his wife. They also predicted that his son, the prince, would suffer the same fate as him. However, someone would be able to save him from that terrible fate.

And that who will save the prince is an unknown woman from another kingdom. It is said to be that she is a princess. But even the royal family, however, did not believe the rumor. Their family was full of falsehoods, and if anyone found out about them, they would perish. The royal family was ruthless to their opponents and those who betrayed them, referring to them as traitors.

Giorno's attention had been drawn to something. And it was hypnotic. It did, however, have a sinister tinge about it. It was a lovely red opal jewel necklace that was being cultivated. He took the necklace in his hands and examined it. There was something wrong with it. It was unquestionably evil...but why was it in this place? What was the point of selling it? Giorno never wanted to bring evil to his people, even though he knew his family was bad.

Giorno shook his head, averting his gaze from the necklace. It stopped him in his tracks and gave him the chills. What was this, exactly? What was it that made him feel trapped in a land surrounded by evil? Did they want to be in charge?

The owner of the stand was perplexed when he saw Giorno. "Prince? Is there a problem with the necklace?" The proprietor inquired.

In answer to the owner, Giorno sweated and shook his head. "No, I simply think this jewelry is stunning."

"For one, it's 550,000 lire." The holder said. "However, because you're the prince, I could offer it to you free of charge."

As Giorno pondered, the owner said up. 550,000 lire? That's a substantial sum of money...The necklace cost too much. Despite the high expense, no commoner or nobility could afford it. Only the royals could do so.

"Excuse me, owner, I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer." Giorno chuckled. "However, I'm curious as to why this piece of jewelry is so expensive."

"Oh, this piece of jewelry?" As he took the jewelry, the shopkeeper inquired. "As you can see, red is a deep color. And the color red has different connotations. Life, health, vitality, war, courage, fury, love, and religious zeal are all examples of cultures. The connecting thread, though, is that all of them necessitate passion." The proprietor stated as he swung the necklace showing its most prosperous distinct features that were very prominent in getting attention. "However, most individuals identify red with negative, danger-inducing emotions. This could be due to the color's association with fire, blood, and occasionally toxic or dangerous creatures."

"Evil? "How could this possibly be evil?" Giorno stated obliviously. He was well aware that this necklace radiated negative energy. And if it was used, it would end up in the kingdom's bad news. Just like the stone mask that his father used and hid away.

According to the merchant, "Tis' claimed to come from a faraway location where cursed energy was caught and sealed. The evil will be free if you smash the jewel."

"However, who would be interested in purchasing this?" Giorno was the one who came up with the question. "Why would you sell something like this knowing it will hurt our kingdom?"

Giorno inquired, but the proprietor did not respond. What kind of harmful item might be marketed on his wristwatch? What had his father been up to? What was going through his mind? His father was a tyrant who permitted his people to trade nefarious goods. His father only desired power and wealth. This is why Giorno desired to ascend to the throne...but first, he needed to find a wife. But he had never wanted to marry in his life. He didn't waste time sympathizing with ladies that would ponder touching him.

He was aware of the situation. He'd been told that his father's practices were to blame for the kingdom's burgeoning evil. But Giorno was adamant about not marrying... But he'd have to if he had to. That is, he must locate a perfect woman who shares his goals.

"It is thought to be the law of the king's actions." We, as owners, are not as knowledgeable about the law as your father is. He's the one who got it started." As Giorno whaled in defeat, the proprietor groaned gently. The necklace in Giorno's hands had vanished before the naked eye could see. The silence was deafening, and Giorno knew it was all due to the necklace... Isn't he supposed to get it back? Giorno had to decide until the owner had just realized the necklace had gotten stolen. "Prince, the necklace!" You have to acquire it! This kingdom is at fault if they discover it is worth wickedness and power."

"That's exactly what I was talking about!" It's all because of my father's evil deeds!" Giorno was caught off guard. What is the best way to pickpocket a skilled pickpocket? Giorno felt upset when the necklace he was holding vanished, and he refused to stand on his watch. But, before the guy went, he already knew who had stolen it... It was a woman with a mask over her face.



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