ghoul kit 101

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gen drabble

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gen drabble

So you've decided to summon a ghoul kit, but you have no idea what you're getting into.
Don't be alarmed!
Here's some important tips to know before starting your unholy and inhuman family:

Fire kits may randomly combust when agitated or irritable. It is a good idea to have a fire blanket or extinguisher at hand at all times. Thickly insulated clothing and a reliable ice-maker should be purchased prior to summoning in order to train your kit on the importance of internal temperature regulation. When raising a fire kit it is always a good idea to refer to the abbey's handbook for the emergency line and to keep in mind where your closest fire alarm is!

Water kits tend to be the best behaved kits, but will expel an excessive amount of tears and drool when overly excited or upset. Consider investing in a good quality, everyday bib for your little one. It is also imperative that your water kit soaks periodically in a water bath for up to six hours a week— excessive soaking may oversaturate the skin and lead to what is described as "leaking".

Earth kits are curious and require close attention beginning around three months post-summon. It is important to provide your kit with a hardy plant that requires little tending and can survive in even the worst of shape (choose wisely as their first plant could potentially become emotionally bonded and travel with them for the first couple years post-summon). Secondly, earth kits require intense sunning throughout their first year and it is important to follow up with an organic lotion to rehydrate the skin. Lastly, refrain from allowing them to eat bugs; specifically butterflies and moths, which can temporarily affect the pigmentation of their skin for up to seven days. A muzzle may be a temporary solution for this almost unavoidable phenomenon.

Air kits may randomly levitate due to the unique density of their bones. Specially made weighted shoes and kit-belts can be purchased so to ensure your kit never floats away. (Pro Tip: Tying a yarn to your kit while engaging in outside time is always a great idea!) Your kits hair may stand on end for the first month post-summon. Specially made oils can be borrowed from the greenhouse for this reason. (Please call the abbey emergency line immediately if your kit floats to the ceiling of the chapel or any high ceiling. We have special equipment to handle situations such as these.)

Quintessence kits grow twice as fast compared to the average weight of any other elemental kit and are born with an excess of dark magic, causing their skin to appear iridescent and heal at an accelerated rate. Be sure to wrap and pad harsh corners and hide your valuable objects from their reach! They're essentially walking wrecking balls beginning at 3 months post-summon and are susceptible to falling.

Accidentally summon a multi-elemental ghoul kit? Don't panic! Refer to the previous articles concerning the elemental make-up of your kit. It is important to note that some elements may appear or disappear as your kit ages, and that the strength of any observed magick should be observed with great attention and care. Specialty packages can be purchased for multi-elemental kits through the abbey nursery that include everything you may need as your kit ages and evolves— from a modified fire blanket to a one-size-fits-all weighted belt!


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