Chapter: 49《After Effects》

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Karanvir smiled:Always an-

The other three looked at him,did they even deserve to complete this.

Karanvir loudly:Always and--


He smiled and engulfed them all in a tight hug.The three didn't look at eachother but knew they had to do this for him,the guy who was ready to sacrifice  his life ,his future without a second thought only for them. The guy who loved them to pieces and the guy who all three of them were ready to betray for their own selfish reasons coupled with the love for him.

Kiran didn't want to be labelled as a thing she despised the most nor she wanted to lose the Riazada glammer or her mother's trust but above all she knew for sure she won't be ever able to meet his eye's again.

Samuel didn't want to lose his scholarship status which was the only light in his life thanks to the Riazada's had garnered upon him although he knew Karanvir wasn't that low but then again he himself wasn't born a backstabber.And last but not the least he didn't want to lose his brother just because of his selfish heart especially after the girl he loved so much refused to even acknowledge what had happened.

Aliyah on the other hand was broken as simple as the word said broken.
Broken because she knew if she tells the truth she will break her family just like Kiran has said when she made her swear in their friendship to keep her mouth shut.
But how could she lie to her Vir, he was the only stable family she had,but then again she loved him more than herself and she knew gheir betrayal would crush him.
Although, she till loved the two but she had lost all respect for them especially after they emotionally blackmailed her into lying on the the day of the incident.

She hugged her Vir back he deserved so much better than all of them,he deserved the world.She just prayed to God to send help ,help for all of them till.She promised herself that day to make sure to hold a perfect front to fool her Vir which she succeeded in but at the price of her mental peace.

Karanvir hugged his friends,he showed them a tough front but even now his hands shivered.He got nightmares Although he went to therapy but how can he forget ever that he took a life,he killed someone.

Kabir was absolutely right he was a criminal but he had no other choice all he saw was his friends condition.To him his Strings was above all,he closed his eye's and asked God to end the thoughts and misery soon.Who knew the end of their misery was tge end of strings.

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