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Are you here yet?
They're gonna call her name... very soon

Almost there

I stuff my phone back into my trousers' pocket as I practically leap out of the cab after paying the driver. Keeping my head down I speed walk towards the familiar path as I follow the fellow people around me knowing that they would lead me exactly where I want to go.

Just as I entered the small stadium, I heard her name being called out, "Shiya Saathvik." Snapping my head up I saw her stand from somewhere in the middle of the students as I heard clapping and whistling knowing it was her family's. I hid behind a pillar so that I can still see everything without being spotted.

She turned around and scanned the area then walked towards the stage. I knew she wanted me here, so here I am. I saw her walk gracefully towards the stage as she climbed with more clapping and whistling accompanying her.

She was wearing a black robe and a typical black hat, which people wear for their ceremonies. Her hair was hidden in the cap and she appeared taller than her actual height, no doubt she is wearing heels. But she looked beautiful—so very beautiful.

I wanted to see her family but my focus had been captured by her, and only her. She flashed a small smile towards the audience as she shook her hand with some elder man and then took her degree from him.

Walking down the stage she suddenly looked up as if she felt someone's gaze on her. I hid more behind the pillar as I saw her shake her head and she continued to walk towards her seat.

A few months ago I received a message from Tanishka, with an invitation card attached to it. It had read, 'Shiya had prepared this card for you, after what happened between you two. Be there please, it would mean a lot to her.'

I couldn't say no to her pleading, so I cleared my schedule for the day and even booked a flight as soon as I read the invitation.

The ceremony went on as I continued standing behind the pillar and stared at her. When I felt a presence beside me, I turned and glanced to see who it is. "Hi," he greeted me as I saw him staring at his sister too.

"Ann—Hi," I greeted back and shifted my focus back on her. "I didn't know that you know that I would be coming."

He chuckled, "this move was initiated by me and completed by Tanishka." I nodded in understanding as I heard him sigh, "I'm so proud of my baby sister but alas I'm not happy like she isn't."

"Me too, brother. Me too," I whispered.

"Your invitation card was the first one she had prepared—out of all of ours. And I saw her contemplating if she wants to send it to you or not. So we both finished this work of hers."

"Thank you, it meant a lot."

"Look, I know that I should be that big brother who should keep the male population away from her. But when she was with you... she was like this person I had never seen before. It was like she was herself with you. Not that sweet & kind facade for the public or the cold and baddie act with her close ones."

I chuckled, "because she was both. She felt like her close ones could hurt her any minute so she was like that but she is wrong. It's all in her mind and she needs someone to make her realise that."

"See, What I mean! You're just perfect for her." He sighed, "if just you both had met under different circumstances everything would've been perfect."

"It's all fate, brother. And you can't manipulate fate. But I'm grateful that I met someone like her."

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