Chapter 46

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Finally! I am Home

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Finally! I am Home...

Crossing my cardigan over my chest I walked towards the Land Rover with Tani right beside me. My hair was blowing away from the strong winds produced from the aircraft's engine and everything was dark around us except for the artificial lights and the Land Rover's head lights. I immediately took my place in the backseat as Tani followed my action.

I greeted my old driver with a sweet smile as he greeted me back in Hindi. We both had a small conversation as I asked him about his family and especially his sweet granddaughter who was 3 years old when I left the country.

My phone pinged with notification as I opened it to find Dalhyun's message,

I think you would have landed by now

Yeah, just landed
What're you doing?

Going for work

Ah okay, btw
You can call me whenever you want
There is only 3 hours and 30 minutes time diff

Okay ;)

I smiled as I kept my phone away and leaned my head on Tani's shoulder. First the driver dada would drop off Tani then me as her house was closer to the airport.

Tani lives in a proper house, like a small mansion with her joint family of doctors. Though doctorate comes in science Tani had technically choose physics and chemistry, the STS program in Stanford since she hated biology. In the initial years it was very difficult to convince her family but in the end she succeeded and now she is happily studying her favourite subjects.

After dropping off Tani, driver dada drove me to my house as I kept glancing outside at the streets lights shining on the empty road. My driver dada is one of the most trusted staff of my family hence he came to pick up when the whole city is far asleep otherwise I'm pretty sure that my parents or my brother would've come to pick me up.

I called my driver, driver dada since he is an ol' man with a huge family of five children and eight grandchildren. It would've come out as a surprise to you but this is very common in India, especially among the poor. Though our government is trying to make people aware of protection it doesn't really matter among with poor. They think more the children, more the income which is so wrong.

When we reached my house, or shall I say building, I stepped out and stretched my limps as driver dada took out my suitcases and duffel bags. I took one of the suitcases from him and the duffel bags to reduce the pressure on him, he is an old man after all, his shoulder and legs have gone weak.

He thanked me politely as I smiled and we both walked inside then stepped into the elevator. I clicked the floor button which is the common one for the family, where the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, a master bedroom and the puja room resides.

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