Chapter 25

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"(Ah! It's been so long since we went grocery shopping,)" Chin-Mae Hyung chirped happily while I grunted in disbelief

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"(Ah! It's been so long since we went grocery shopping,)" Chin-Mae Hyung chirped happily while I grunted in disbelief. He and Jae had dragged me to grocery shopping making me skip my daily games with Shiya.

How sad.

"(Stop sulking like that and grab these things with Jae,)" he ordered as he handed me the long list while my eyes widened. Jae chuckled beside me as he grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

We grabbed a trolley and I immediately hopped in it, thanking the lords that it was big enough to fit me. With my legs dangling out and a grin plastered on my face, I kept narrating the list as Jae pushed me ahead while grabbing everything and throwing it at me to catch.

"(I seriously can't believe that they don't have ramen.)" I slummed back with a groan, "(Ramen is so famous but still they don't have it.)" I continued complaining while Jae was busy reading the description of different instant noodles brands.

People who were passing by were looking at me weirdly but I just ignored them by looking away to make sure that they doesn't recognise me.

Chin-Mae could've ordered everything online but no! He wanted to go for proper grocery shopping and it's understandable since they've been staying in for a while now. They need to get out too.

I heard a click as I immediately look around trying to find something suspicious but when I didn't, I just shook my head saying it was just my imagination.

"(There is no ramen here, we need to order it instead.)" I heard Jae as he kept a packet on me then pushed me ahead, "(is there something else we're forgetting?)"

"Hm, butter," I commented as we both chuckled at the irony. "(The dairy section products are left,)"

As soon as we entered the diary section I noticed that it was empty so I smirked while looking at Jae who smirked back. He gave the trolley a push he stood on the metal rod below the handle while the trolley zoomed through the section. We both laughed as Jae stopped the trolley before it could hit a stand.

We both give each other a high five as he picks the butter from the chilly fridge. "(Ice cream!)" I fist-bumped the air as Jae saluted and grabbed two tubs of Vanilla and chocolate respectively.

"Oh! hey guys," we both turned around to find Shiya waving at us with a cute smile, her eyes focused on me as she grinned, "now I understand why you bailed on me."

"Hey Dawn," Jae waved at her as I opened my mouth to greet her but stopped when I heard a click again. My eyes scanned the area trying to find where it came from but failed.

"Shiyo! did you get the cheeeeeeeee!" I saw Tani walk towards us as she stretched out the 'e' while staring at us with wide eyes. I chuckled, here she goes in XO mode. "H-Hi! H-how're you doing?" She turned away and mumbled to herself audibly, "oh my gosh! I'm so stupid."

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