Chapter 20

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After all 6 chapters from Dalhyun's Pov, I thought it was finally time to write from our dear Shiya's pov now.

Warning: mentions of miscarriage.

E N J O Y ;)

My brother is here

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My brother is here

My brother is here.

Omg, my dear, loving and world's best bro is here!

Oh my fucking god! I can't believe this!

I poked his bicep once again to check if he is real or if I'm just dreaming. Siddy's head snapped towards me with a glare as I smiled sheepishly, "for fuck's sake, I'm fucking real," he growls at me in his deep threatening voice. The one inherited from dad.

If there is someone who I think has a deep voice after Dalhyun, the lucky one is my brother.

"I still can't digest the fact that you're here," I say, "it's been months since I saw you." I hugged him again as he groaned—annoyed by me.

"Shiyo, I love you, but you gotta stop hugging me. Your disgusting shampoo smell is killing me." I grunt as I detached myself from him, and let my back rest against the armrest of my couch. "So what's your deal with Kim Dalhyun? Are you both seriously just friends?"

"Of course, what else we both will be?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow in suspicion, I scoffed and said, "we're not dating. I'm keeping my promise of not dating till I'm independent okay?"

"Good, because I seriously can't see mom sad once again." He said sternly.

I sighed sadly, "I only dated him for a month for god's sake."

"You were in 8th for god's sake. And you know, our parents don't like such things, for god's sake." I grunted once again and turned away from him, remembering the awful incident from 8th grade. One of the reasons for my cold side is that I broke the promise I made to mom.

It was about how I won't get into a relationship and stuff till I'm independent. But somehow, I got myself tangled in this and dated this guy in the 8th grade. We both liked each other but then I realised what a mistake I did, so I immediately broke up with him.

That day I told my mother about everything, she was extremely sad and that broke me. So I swear on her life that I won't date till I'm independent. But I made sure that I don't promise, that I won't crush on anyone.

That's practically impossible for me if I had 10 crushes before I fell in love with Dalhyun.

"Let's not talk about dark memories," he said as he glanced around my living room, "where is your annoying-to-death best friend?"

"She is with her study buddies and should be returning any time now. But why do you want to know?" I wriggled my eyebrows teasingly. Tani and Siddy hate each other's guts, for reasons I don't know.

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