Ender End

241 8 4

CW // Violence, blood, death.

It was when they were all in the machine that Gold realized.

"Guys," He gasped, holding his injured arm close to his side. "Someone has to press the button." He pointed to the wall opposite the Time Machine, where a red button brandished with the word ON stood.

The ground shook underneath them, the concrete walls beginning to crumble around the group.

"Henwy." Karan had grabbed the tall man's shoulders, shoving him towards the opening. "Go. This is YOUR monster."

Henwy let out an enraged snarl, struggling to get out of the man's grip with flashing brown eyes. "What are you, crazy?!" He spat.

"Says the man who BROUGHT AN ENDER TO DESTROY US!" Alxton yelled, pushing Biffle aside to join Karan in his struggle.

As if the monster had heard them, it roared in frustration, causing the machine to shake with its echoes.

"DO SOMETHING!" Jerome yelled, grabbing the metal with tight knuckles.

Biffle glanced at Henwy, anger in his face as he fought, to the fear on everyone else's faces.

Henwy will never press that button. Biffle realized with a jolt. He'll only let the Ender in. He met eyes with Sigils, whose face was creased in a tangled mess of emotions.

Everybody else is too mortified to move an inch. He turned to see the large button.

His heart beat faster in his chest, breaths becoming shallower as he realized what he had to do.

I have to press it.

The Ender let out another ear-shattering screech, some of the campers gasping or even screaming in response, and Biffle gritted his teeth.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and swallowed the lump in his throat.

Do it.

He slammed his eyes open and exploded forward, people yelling in response as he shoved Henwy away on the way to the opening. His feet hit the floor, and he sped towards the opposite wall.

He knew he wouldn't make it back.


"What are you doing?!"


That last one was Sigils. Biffle glanced over his shoulder as his feet pounded closer, lungs burning.

Sigils stared at him with hands on the glass of the machine, desperation in his wide green eyes. "WHAT THE CRAP ARE YOU DOING?!" He roared, pounding his fists on the glass. Karan, done struggling with Henwy in his shock, grabbed Sigils' hands.

Biffle's lips curled at the edges involuntarily, tears starting to blur his vision as he stopped running. "Saving you guys." He panted.

He reached up, and pounded his hand onto the large button as the massive beast smashed through the wall.

The Machine warped, shook, and finally disappeared with a snap.

They were gone.

As tears fell down his cheeks, a large object hit him in the side and sent him flying. Biffle hit the ground nose-first, feeling the bones crack as a sensation like lightning sparked through his face. He looked up to see what had hit him, dazed.

Tears and adrenaline had blurred his world, but he could still see how disgusting the Ender was.

It swung its long tail back from where it had hit him, its large purple body spiky and caked with dark mud. It opened its gigantic jaws to smell, smoke pouring out of its mouth as Biffle got a full view of its large, yellow fangs. It stared at him in wonder with narrow green eyes, its sharp wings curling out and in as it seemed to ponder what to do with him.

That's right! Biffle realized, staring up at the mythical beast. The Ender was controlled by Henwy. Now it doesn't have instructions.

Slowly, Biffle reached up to wipe the blood off his face, and The Ender's eyes flashed as it noticed his movement.

Oh, crap.

It lunged forward, jaws agape in a roar that was worse than all the others.

Biffle scrambled to his feet, running back with a yell of terror.

Its claws just missed his back, but when its large frame hit the dirt the ground shook with a force that sent Biffle to the floor.

His shoulder cracked into a rock, stabbing through his suit and tearing skin. He let out a hiss in pain, struggling to stand up and not put pressure on the arm.

The Ender snarled terribly, rearing on its muscular hind legs with claws flashing and wings flaring.

Biffle looked up at its angry green eyes.

This is it. He thought with a shudder as the beast came down. At least I saved everyone.

The Ender grabbed his middle, teeth stabbing into his muscle and crushing his spine with a crack. Biffle felt fire, lightning, gunshots raining through everything, flooding his brain with hot agony.

He screamed terribly as it raised its head, almost celebrating its catch as Biffle's world spun around him. Blood dripped onto the floor in pools, the Ender's hot breath washing over him like a sauna as it stood there.

He couldn't think, couldn't breathe, could barely feel or see as the Ender decided his fun was over. It whipped its neck, and Biffle hurtled into the dark wall, hearing his own skull crack into the concrete as his world finally tipped into silence.

AN// Oh my gosh Warbound is actually back I'm freaking out-

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