chapter 45

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I tried wiggling out of his tight grasp but to no avail as he was physically stronger than me.

"Don't touch me! Let me go!" Even though it was almost futile, I did my best to fight for my freedom. Just seeing his face was enough for my stomach to lurch. Feeling his mucky hands on me was worst.

"Stop struggling, Sabina, before I lose my patience with you!" His menacing voice held warning as he continued on dragging me toward the gate.

"Let go of her! You don't have the right to force someone to be with you against their will even if she's your wife!" Father Nicolas' steps came to a halt and looked back at Akira who was still standing at the doorway while staring back at Father Nicolas bravely.

"What did you just say?" Akira tottered toward us, almost limping in pain, but with determined look on her face.

"You heard what I've said. Sabina obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with you so man up and let her go." Father Nicolas' eyes flashed in anger and I thought, he would attack Akira but a condescending laugh erupted from his mouth.

"Look who's talking. Didn't you do the same thing? I didn't want to have anything to do with you and yet, you were the one who came to me, saying that you would do everything that I wanted for me to accept you. This only shows that we got cut from the same cloth, Akira.

"Even after dad welcomed you with opened arms, that didn't stop you from craving for my attention. Isn't it ironic that you're saying that now? Do you want me to remind you where you stand in all this? Aren't those bruises enough or do you want another reminder?"

"You were the one who did this to her." I uttered while looking at him full of disgust.

He smirked. "Yes, because I needed to teach her a lesson. But you know what? You were the reason why this happened to her in the first place."

"What do you mean?" I questioned with a stoic face. My wrist was turning red because of his tight grip.

"Well, she was drawn by your kindness and had almost forgotten about her mission. Even after all the training she's been through, that wasn't enough to change her personality completely. Her promises to do her mission efficiently were nothing but pie in the sky. She's nothing but a big disappointment, from birth until now." His voice held abhorrence and hostility and I caught the pain that passed through Akira's eyes.

Even though those were nothing but words, the effect on Akira was grave. It seemed that Father Nicolas knew how to target Akira's weakness, enough to crash her even without putting a hand on her.

"Enough with the talking. Fix yourself, Akira. If you still want your reward then come with us. I knew you were planning something when you weren't answering my calls and texts. I just didn't expect that you would actually lure her here for me. For that, I will forget the fact that you were plotting something behind my back." He then continued on dragging me until we reached outside the gate.

I saw my car and tried to call Dan's attention. There weren't any neighbors nearby and the only help I could expect was his and my bodyguards but no one came to m rescue.

"Dan, help!" But strangely, he wasn't moving in the driver's seat. When we walked past the car, my eyes widened when I saw the blood on his shirt. It appears that Dan was unconscious or worst, already dead. I screamed in horror.

I spotted my bodyguards' car nearby but it seemed that they got them too.

"What have you done to Dan and my bodyguards?!" Father Nicolas laughed.

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