chapter 9

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Bon week-end, mes Amores. 😘



I instantly became alert, got a hold of my hand which was in my holster, when I heard the door open. I hid behind the door of the kitchen as I heard steps coming closer. When that person was close enough to the kitchen door, I swiftly got out of my hiding spot and pointed my gun at the intruder.

"Stop right there or I'll shoot you!"

"Will you put that down?!" I blinked innumerably upon seeing who it was. She looked pissed.

"Tia? What are you doing here?" I put my gun back into my holster. To my surprise, she suddenly walked up to me and smacked me by the shoulder.

"Hey, why are you hitting me?"

"Do you really think that I didn't recognize you a while ago?! What were you doing pretending to be one of the guards?! What if Father Nicolas and the others caught you?!" She was obviously angry but I could tell that she was more on the worried side.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tia. I stayed home the whole day and—" Before I could finish saying my alibi, she hit my arm and this time, it was harder than a while ago.

"Stop lying to my face! Did you really think that I wouldn't recognize you even with a mask on?! I know you too well!"

"Tia! Stop being violent with me!" But instead of stopping, she hit me a couple more times which forced me to concede.

"Fine! I give up! Just stop hitting me!" She scoffed and then crossed her arms across her chest while glaring at me. I sighed in relief when she finally stopped.

"I knew it. What were you thinking back there?! You know that our enemies are just waiting for you to mess up and use that opportunity to get what they want! Did you even consider that?!" I sighed once again before opening the refrigerator and fished out a bottle of water.

"I know that, Tia. You don't have to worry about me. I know what I'm doing. Besides, what are you doing here anyway? What if they look for you?" I then opened the bottled water and was about to drink from it when she snatched it away from me and drank its content.

"Really, Tia?"

She scoffed. "It's your fault for not even asking if I wanted to drink something or not. I got tired of walking all the way here from Safe Haven, you know." She answered after she finished drinking. I shook my head in disbelief and opened the refrigerator once again to get myself another drink.

"To answer your question; no one will look for me because Father Nicolas asked me to go to the city to get some supplies. Anyway, don't change the topic. Answer my question." She was looking at me like a hawk and I knew that I wouldn't be able to lie to her even if I wanted to. She knows me too well.

"Fine, you win. I went there because I wanted to see what happened to Sabina. I've been calling your number these past few days to ask some information but looked like you turned your phone off."

She looked surprised. "You know Sabina?"

"Of course, I know her, that's why I went there to look for her." Her eyes turned into slits.

"And how come you know her?" I gulped inaudibly as I averted my gaze.

"We just happened to meet at the waterfalls. Anyway, are you hungry, Tia? Do you want to join me for dinner?"

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