chapter 24

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I couldn't help but to cock up an eyebrow while watching Xzavier playing with the kids in the water. He was acting like a big fish, chasing after them, pretending to attempt to eat them and the children's laughs and squeals echoed in the surrounding.

This was the kids' first time meeting Xzavier but looked like they already like him that much. I didn't expect him to be avuncular. Even a while ago, he even helped the younger children on putting on their swim floaties.

"I thought you were going to swim? What are you doing here sitting by yourself?" It was Henry. He just came out of the water.

"Don't mind me. I just lost the interest to swim." I answered while still watching Xzavier and the kids. Henry's eyebrows arched and followed my gaze.

"Why? Because of Mr. Montaño? Don't you like his presence here?"

I heaved a sigh. "No. It's not like that."

"Then, why? This is not like you. I know how you love swimming in this place. One time, last year, you even sneaked out and came here alone but thankfully, I saw you heading towards here that's why Billy and I managed to follow you. I still remember how mad Uncle Steve and Aunt Sarah were towards you back then." I pouted.

"They got mad because you decided to be a snitch and told them about what I did. I just wanted to have a break and relax. You knew how stressed I was because of studying hard for our exams."

"Yes, I understand but that time, it wasn't safe. You know what happened to Natalie during that time. She almost got raped by that masked man who was wandering here in the ranch. Until now, that intruder hasn't been caught yet." Yes, everyone was terrified back then because that was the first time that someone committed a crime like that.

Thankfully, that man didn't succeed on harming that young lady. But unfortunately, Natalie got traumatized of what happened.

This place has always been safe because it's a small community. Everyone knows each other that's why it's common for children to just play around the area without parents' supervision. Even the women felt safe to just walk outside during the night because they're confident that no one would harm them.

But ever since that attack last year, everyone was advised to be careful. Well, the Novells added security guards patrolling around the area 24/7 so nothing of that sort happened again ever since.

"Well, I think everything turned back to normal after that incident. Even though something that awful happened, I was kinda brave enough to wander around alone like that time because the security tightened by the Novell family to prevent some incidents like that to happen again."

"Yeah, but look what happened to Natalie. The poor girl had to undergo some kind of rehabilitation to overcome her trauma. We don't want that to happen to you that's why we're trying our best to protect you. Anyway, enough with just sitting here and let's just swim."

I released a deep breath and then looked at Xzavier who was still playing with the kids. I wanted to swim but for some reason, I was afraid to be near him.

"Maybe later, Henry."

"Why do I have the feeling that this is really about Mr. Montaño? Are you avoiding him?" I feigned a chuckle.

"What are you talking about? Of course not."

"Then, what's the matter? You're worrying me. Today's your birthday that's why we're here but you're not participating. This is not like you." I looked at him and he indeed looked worried. I sighed in defeat.

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