chapter fifteen

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Yujin pov

We went to the kitchen for dinner. "Bro! What did you cook?" I asked Jihoon. "Not me! Seungcheol cooked today." he said and pointed at Seungcheol. Seungcheol at us and finished cooking. "Let's eat!" he said and we began eating.  "I'm so sad that we'll be leaving tomorrow! I hope we can come back soon! It's so fun with you Yujin!" Jihoo said. "What? You never told me that you'll be leaving!" "Really? I'm sorry.... But we have to leave tomorrow. We have to practice for our concert." he said. "It's okay! You can come whenever you like to!" I said with a smile. I was really sad that they'll be leaving. I wanted to stay with them longer. And what about Minghao? I don't like to stay away from him that long! Jihoon doesn't even know about it.... Should I tell him? I thought about it the whole time but I didn't know what to do.... After we ate, Hoshi did the dishes and me and Minghao went to my room.

"Minghao?" "Yes?" "Should we tell the others about our relationship? They don't even know about it and all of you will be leaving tomorrow." I said. "I think we should really tell them." he said. "But first.... Let's go outside for a bit." "But we should-" "Please Yujin!" he interupted me. "O-ok." I said and and we went to the living room. "Guys we'll go outside for a bit." "Ok bye." They said without looking at us because they were watching TV. 

We went to a park near my house and sat on a bench. "The sky is so pretty today!" I said. Minghao didn't talk the whole time. "What's wrong? You aren't talking to me." I said in a sad tone. "It's so sad that we have to leave tomorrow.... We won't know when we'll come again." he said while looking at the sky. "Don't worry about it. I'll wait until you come again!" I said and smiled. He still looked sad so I gave him a kiss on his cheek. "How cute! You never do that. Do it again please." he said. "Tssk. Fine..." I said and wanted to kiss his cheek again but he turned his face to me so I accidentily kissed his lips. "Yah!" I said and he laughed. "Let's go back now.   It's getting late." "Ok!" he said and we went home. 

We arrived home and went to the others. "Guys... W-we have to tell you something..." I said and they paused their film that they were watching. "What is it?" Jihoon asked. "We.... w-we're.... Minghao please tell them....." I said because I was to embarresed. "We're in a relationship!" he said confidentily. "Aww! How cute!!" Seungcheol and Hoshi said. "I-.... I don't have a problem with it... but what about our entertainment? They'll kick you out." Jihoon said. "I don't care! Then we'll join a new entertainment!" Minghao said. "He's right! We are humans too!" Hoshi said. "Let's first go back tomorrow and we will see what happens." Seungcheol said and Jihoon nodded. "Let's not ruin the mood! How about we play some games?" Minghao said. "Yes."   "Can't  we just go to bed-" "No Jihoon! It's your last day! We won't know when we'll see each other again." I said. "Ok ok..." he said and we picked up some games that we wanted to play.

The next day:

I woke up and looked around the room. I guess they already left without telling me. I was really sad and started crying. Suddenly the door opened. "Why are you crying princess?"

To be continued...

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