chapter four

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Jihoon pov

We went to the mall because we wanted to go shopping. I saw Yujin smilling the whole  time like a little kid. She is so cute. I'm happy that she's having fun, even if we're just walking. She talked with Minghao for a long time and I saw Minghao smilling. I hope he won't break the idol rules...

"We finally arrived!" Hoshi said happily. We went in many shops and bought a lot of things. Then I decided to buy a gift for Yujin since we didn't see each other for a long time and because she's  so friendly to the members. I waited until all of them were outside. I saw a pretty bag so I bought it for Yujin and went outside to the others. "Yah. Why did you take so long? We are waiting more than 30 minutes! " Hoshi said. "Hoshi we just waited 5 minutes." Seungcheol said while looking at his phone. "Yujin I bought something for you! Here!" I gave her the bag. "Thank you! You    didn't  have to buy it!" She said. "I just wanted to buy it for you since you're so friendly with the members and I often don't buy things for you." he said. "Aww! Thanks!!" I hugged him. 

Minghao pov

Why can't she hug me like that?..... What am I saying? Why am I sad again? "I'm going crazy!" "Minghao are you ok?" Jihoon asked. "Why shouldn't I be ok?" I asked. "You just said you're going crazy?" Seungcheol said. "No, I didn't!" I defended myself. "Ok.. Should we eat someting?" Hoshi asked. "Yes!! What should we eat?" I asked. "How about Pizza?" Jihoon asked. "Yes!!!" we al said and went to a Pizzeria.

After we arrived we looked at the prices. "Guys we don't have enough money!" Yujin said. "Yes, we have. Why shouldn't we have enough?" I asked her. "I don't have enough. You guys have." I didn't understand. "I can pay for you." "No, no! I'm ok." she said. I went to Jihoon. "Hyung. Your sister doesn't have money." "I will buy her food. It's ok!" he said and we went in. "sis! I can buy your Pizza!" Jihoon said. 

Yujin pov

Why? I want to share with Minghao!.....What's wrong with me? "It's ok! I can just share with you guys. I'm not that hungry!" I said. "Ok! Yujin you can take a seat on a table. Guys let's go buy our pizzas!" Jihoon said. The boys nodded and followed Jihoon. I took a seat and waited. I hope I can share with Ming- NO! Stop Yujin! 

To be continued....

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