chapter fourteen

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Minghao pov

I was so happy about Yujin beeing my girlfriend now! I smiled the whole time. After some time I arrived at home. "I'm back!" "Hi..... Why are you smiling?" Jihoon asked. "Can't I smile? The weather is so beautyful today!" I said happily. "Uhmm Minghao... It's literally raining.... and you don't really like the rain." "But there was a rainbow! It was really beautyful!" I said. "O-ok... guys! The film is starting!" "Oh no! wait!" Hoshi shouted from the kitchen. "Run Hoshi!" Seungcheol said while running. "You guys are overreacting- wait! Is it our film? I'm watching with you!" I said and sat next to Jihoon. We watched it the whole time while telling ourself that we're handsome. 

After the film we snacked some fruits. "Ah Yujin finished work. I'll go pick her up! Bye!" I said and left. After some time I arrived at the café and went inside. "Hi! Did Yujin finish work? I'm here to pick her up." I told the girl. "Uhm no. She'll finish in 15 minutes. w-wait... Are you Xu Minghao!?" she whispered to me. "Don't tell anyone, ok?" I said. "O-omg! Could I take a selfie with you?" she asked. "S-sorry. I can't without asking my manager. I could give you an autograph!" I said. "Oh yes! Thanks!" she said and I gave it to her. "And here! Don't ask why I have this..." I said and gave her a photocard of me and the members. "Omg! Thank you! I won't tell anyone about this, I promise! I can make a coffee for you! It's free because I'm very thankful for everything!" she said. "Thank you!" I said and waited until my coffee was done. While I waited I chilled on my phone and looked to the girl that made the coffee while smiling at my autograph (?). 

"Here is your coffee!" she said and gave me two coffees. "Why are you giving me two of them?" I asked her in confusion. "One for you, one for Yujin." she said. "Ok. Thank you!" I sad and drank my coffee. After some time passed Yujin came. "Hi!" I said and waved at her. "Hi? What are you doing here?" "I wanted to wlk you home dummie! Let's go! Here's a coffee for you the girl there made them for us." I said and pointed at the girl. "Thanks Soo-ah. See you tomorrow!" I said and smiled. "Bye!" she said and smiled. We left the café and drank our coffee while holding hands and talking about random stuff.

"We're back!" we said at the same time when we arrived at home. "Hello!" Jihoon said and hugged Yujin. 'I want a hug from her too :( 'I thought and pouted. "Why are you pouting?" Yujin asked me. "I am not!" I said. "Ok, chill. I just asked..." she said and went to her room. I followed her. I knocked her door . "Come in." she said. "Why did you leave?" I asked while closing the door. "Cause you were overreacting man." she said and sat on her bed. "I were overreacting because you don't want to hug me!" I said and pouted again. "I never said that so stop pouting!" "Ok! I said and went to her. I sat next to her while hugging and kissing her. She hugged me back. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and we stoped and stood up. "Yes?" Yujin asked. Hoshi came in. "Guys let's go eat! By the way what are you doing?" He asked. "Uh...nothing we're talking." Yujin said. "Ok...? Let's eat!" 

To be continued....

Hope you liked this chapter :))

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