{20} Was I Not Invited?

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So after last chapter all of the plan has run out. WHICH MEANS that I donut have any chapters written in advance anymore, I probably will work on another handful today, but still just giving y'all a heads up cause I like being honest with you. SO I don't know what's gonna happen but I wanna find out ;) don't you?

I know this is a darn filler chapter, like everything seems to be, but not everything can have heaps of action *shrug*

Read On!


"Mmmm," I was very comfortable. Cuddling up to something extremely warm, firm but still soft on my skin. I felt so well rested, like I'd swam a mile and had the first full night's sleep since all this started.

Good morning. Then I remembered who I was cuddling up to, who I was using as my pillow.

Opening my eyes slowly, blinking uncontrollably against the glare of sunlight in the room –why Bo needed so much sunlight in her guesthouse I'll never know- I met the blue eyes of Will.

Happy is not the word I'd use to describe the feelings he was projecting. Joyous, elated, euphoric are just some of the ones that come to mind now. And I'm sure I was looking at him the same way.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Don't project into my mind, it's creepy." I grumbled, shutting my eyes again, trying to get some more sleep.

Oh? You don't like it?

My eyes shot open in a glare, "I never have to be completely honest."

Is that so?

"Stop asking me questions!"


"It's annoying!" I grabbed one of the pillows behind his head and bashed him over first the chest and then on his head. Laughing when I saw his dazed expression, "Ha. That'll teach you."

"Pretty please, Red?" He pouted, and I glared in response. He knew how much that affected me, knew that I'd give him whatever he wanted when he flashed the grin and a pout.

Damn, I was so completely whipped by this boy.

So in response I pushed him back down onto the bed attacking his lips with my own.

After being distracted many times on the way –first there was the whole 'actually getting out of bed' debacle, then the shower, and then putting on clothes which proved to be a hazard- we finally made it back to the main house. Where we found everyone eating breakfast in the kitchen.

Bo looked up the instant we walked into the room; hand-in-hand and with that glow that comes after really good sex, the satisfied looks on our faces as well as the peaceful look on Will's –she basically just telepathically knew what was up.

That's what I loved about her.

"Hmm is that bacon? I love me some bacon." I grabbed a plate, and started piling the bacon and scrambled eggs onto it.

Coffee? He asked, kissing me on the cheek on his way past to the kettle and the hot drinks.

I nodded, not even looking at him, a small smile on my lips as Bo frowned.

We all sat down at the table to eat breakfast, well more like an extremely early dinner, it was pretty late. Will sat on my left, continuously asking me to pass the salt or the butter or the maple syrup, intentionally trying to bug Bo.

I had to hold back laughter whenever I saw her eyebrow twitch, she was frustrated at not knowing what we were talking about.

"So..." Stacey looked like she new exactly what we were doing and was silently egging us on, "Jet..."

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