{9} Fuck You Buddy

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You guys better feel lucky, me updating twice in an hour.

We're getting down to business now, this is the first mini-climax I'd say. Get excited guys it's gonna be good. 

I have a question though, do we think that Wren and Will's relationship's going too fast? Well, I'd call it a relationship loosely because I don't know what else to call it, but what's going on with it? Too fast you reckon? Let me know.

Read on!


And there I was again. Stuck in a massive ballroom, in a fancy dress, wearing a mask. What was it with rich people and masquerades? Were they the latest fad or something? Honestly, coming from someone who wears one on an almost daily basis, they need to pipe down about the masks.

This time it's different though. For one thing, I don't have the comfort of my powers backing me, which is an awful experience for someone who can't remember when she didn't have them, or didn't know how to use them. It's making me squeamish and uncomfortable, like something was missing from my brain. And for a second thing, I had a hero with me -ready to do the job right beside me. Never thought I'd say that, having Spectre on my side for once, not trying to get me arrested or caught, but here to do the job that we'd both planned together.

I didn't like this one bit. 

It wasn't that around me, the richest people in the city were gathered around, clinking their glasses and chortling -because that's what they do, they don't laugh they chortle- like they didn't have a care in the world. 

I'd probably stolen from two thirds of the people in this room. 

That includes Samuel Franklin by the way. Yes, he was sitting in the corner on one of the leather couches, thankfully -my hair was styled up and out of the way, and the colour was back to its natural orange (even though that's still plenty red it has blonde in it too) so he didn't suspect me of anything- and my dress matched that 'innocent' appearance. Well at least that's what I was aiming for.

It was a cream colour, made of a nice giving fabric that had a nice gold sheen, had sleeves that go just past my elbows, the neckline was nice and modest to my irritation, but the main feature of it balanced that out and that was that the back was completely open, letting a nice breeze come through so I didn't get too hot. It went down to my ankles, which were in a scary-looking pair of heels that I wore last time because I know I can run in. I was wearing bike-shorts underneath though, incase we needed to run and the skirt got in the way.

By the way, I looked hot. 

And everyone new it.

Even though the aim was meant to look innocent enough that no-one would suspect me -and I did- it was also to be able to hit on Joshua Pike, the main man that would gladly show a pretty girl to his study if she flirted well enough.

"You okay, Red?" Will was looking at me earnestly through the mask he was wearing, the same one he wore to the robbery two days ago. It looked good on him even though he couldn't tie the back up to save his life. 

I took a sip of my champagne, rolling my eyes at him, "Of course I am, just looking for the right one." I wasn't going to call him a 'target' in the middle of a crowded party -if that's what they wanted to call these snooze-fests- that would draw attention. 

"You look like you just stepped on a snail." He said, looking so unbelievably amused at the image, "You gonna be on your game?"

"Your concern is filed and shredded. Shush up Speccy the expert's working." Scanning the crowd, I had yet to see Joshua Pike anywhere, I'd seen his older sister Cassandra and younger brother Morgan, but I had yet to see him. 

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