{12} That's Enough Of That, Bitches

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We'll aren't I just a massive mean person, doing all that I do to Wren -holy shit I killed her Dad, took away her family... goddamn it I am so mean!

You love it. 

I love it. 

So we adapt.

Read On


Three days of paranoia and wasting away in Bo's house. 

We had nothing to do, nowhere to go, no way to pass the time except watch and wait. 

Will seemed to be waiting for what he believed to be the inevitable. He was waiting for the rest to find and catch us, then do with us what they must. Not only wanting to be done with this depressing story, but sick of not having anything to do to change the course of it.

I very nearly went insane, with this much nothing in front of me. 

A Super Villain, a creature of action and wit, reduced to slouching on a -quite admittedly comfortable- couch and pining for her old life? A life, which seemed to be years behind her, when in reality it was only one week.

How much had changed for me, within a week. 

The first day, I spent like a zombie. Waking up at noon in Bo's bed, and taking a two o'clock nap on the couch after watching and listening to every news channel in existence to try and gauge any suspicion on our whereabouts. That night I fell asleep on the couch that Will was meant to be sleeping on, and I woke to him in the middle of the night sitting across from me, asleep, the blanket that was meant for him spread over my form.

I draped it over him before leaving out the back; I needed to escape for a bit. 

The second day was when we had some excitement.

There was a knock on the door.

We were all eating breakfast, it was maybe nine-thirty in the morning, and when the traitorous 'knock knock' sounded our eyes all widened and my heart dropped-kicked before it picked up at twice the speed. 

"It could be a false alarm?" Will suggested optimistically.

I chewed on my bottom lip before teleporting outside behind the treeline so I could see who was at the door. 

It was two men in suits, neither of them was Kyle thank god, but they were very obviously detectives or policemen. And, unless Bo had a meth-lab in the attic, they were here for us. 

I teleported back to the kitchen -ten seconds after leaving- and shook my head, "Detectives, I recognize one from Kyle's department. They're probably searching for acquaintances of Red Spirit." 

Bo flipped her hair, "I'll deal with this shit," adjusting her shirt so it showed more cleavage. 

"You gonna run a Bimbo on them?" I admired that boldness, at least that'd distract them.

Will looked in between us, "Bimbo?"

I patted him on the shoulder; "Flirt to distract them from their original purpose. That's like... part of most of my plans." 

He grumbled incoherently. 

Knock knock, "Miss Faris?!"  

Bo shoved us towards the back door, "Hide in the second story of the guest house. I'm no super but can deal with this." 

We weren't there to see the artist at work, but she threw them off the trail. They never came back to check with anything, so suffice it to say that the Bimbo play worked pretty well that time. 

The third day was spent even more paranoid than last time. But we had more to do, moving all our stuff into the guesthouse. Will slept in one room while I slept in the other, across from him. It was a more permanent living situation while we were in hiding.

As soon as we were done, I tried to sleep. Found I couldn't without my eyes picturing what I'd lost. 

That seemed to be happening more and more frequently.


"ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT, BITCHES!" Bo slammed her hands on the table in front of us. 

Will jumped, hitting his knee on the table, "Ow!"

I hit the roof but pushed away from the table, striking a comical defensive pose, "What'd we do?"

"Yeah, what gives?" Will agreed, rubbing his knee, "We haven't done anything!" 

Bo crossed her arms and glared at the both of us, "That's right. You haven't. For Supers you can be pretty lazy."

"Hey I'm a Villain I never claimed to have unlimited energy." I point at him, "He's the Hero in your house, not me." 


"The point is," Bo persisted, continuing over our pointless arguing, "You're both sitting on your asses doing nothing about it."

"It's not like I don't have a reason." I murmured, knowing she couldn't hear. 

Will did though -he was sitting right next to me- and he flinched but showed no other reaction, "What can we do?" He moved his finger between the both of us, "Wanted fugitives remember?"

She rolled her eyes, as if the answer should be obvious, "We could clear your name!"

"Good luck with that one -the Pike's have too much reach within everything in this city. How are we supposed to take down Joshua and co when we can't even leave this house?"

Bo tapped her nose, "You target the supers." 

I caught on immediately; it was actually a brilliant idea.

Will ran a hand through his hair, "I'm not killing people who used to be my friends."

I punched his arm, "Have I killed anyone yet? NO! Heroes are such barbarians I swear."

"Tell me about it," Bo agreed, nodding along, "But you get it right?"

"Yeah- take away their tools and they loose power. But how do we take them away, without killing them?" 

"No killing-"

"Shut it, Will I was kidding." I slumped, putting my chin on my hands. 

The kitchen was quiet for a while, until Will jumped up suddenly, "I got it! We convert them! Tell them the story. They're Heroes, they're programmed to listen to people when they're talking. And I'm friends with most of them -well, I used to be." 

I stand up too in my excitement, "How would we convert them? Let them catch us?"

"No..." Bo tapped her chin again, "too risky. They could have backup... no you have to be sneakier."

"It's simple." Will interrupted, "We target the secret identities. That way they have nowhere to hide and no choice but to listen."

"Where do we start though?" I looked at him, "The only reason they know our identities is because we were careless and Kyle-" My throat closed up at his name, and before they could get the pity-look in their eyes I continued, "The Heroes won't be that stupid." 

"No they won't," He agreed, "We'll have to track them."

I grinned, "And I know just the Villain for the job."

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