{21} I Am Here For...

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You know yesterday, I walked into a bottleo and like did a few paces, stopped in front of one of the dudes working there, nodded earnestly three times and left the store. Cause I can do that now *cheesy grin*

Man. It feels good to be 18.

Read on.


Turn left, hands in pockets and head down, four paces, Will's voice echoed in my head.

I took four steps, then pulled my phone out, snapped ten photos -he cameras, of the security guards, and of the doors- then returned the phone to my back pocket.

Walk for three blocks then turn left again, I followed his instructions, taking more photos, but this time specifically eyeing the back doors.

"Stop acting suspicious," I bumped Stacey with my elbow, "We're only here to see, not break in."

Stacey was shaking with visible signs of stress and nerves, "But I'm a hero! I don't have the constitution to go against the natural order."

Four blocks, left again, 12 paces and you're at the front door. I pulled her along with me, "Think about it this way, you're actually fighting a bad guy no one knows about. The natural order still exists, just behind closed doors."

"Where you're actually the good guy?"

"Sure, think of it that way if you like." I took the photos, and then pulled her to sit down on a bench next to the doors so we could time the shift of the guards.

I was distracted, watching both the door and my watch. Stacey on the other hand was tapping her feet and successfully managing to annoy me with the whistling and blatantly obvious attempts at acting casual.

"Could you not?"

"No! I can't help it! I'm not used to shit like this!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine, we'll talk while you stress and I work."

She jumped at the chance, "What're you gonna do after this?"

Wow jumped right in there Eira, didn't beat around the bush or anything. Biting my lip in response, I turned to check the doors.

"Morrigan? What are you planning to do after we save the city?"

"This and that really. Maybe go back to normal."

I wasn't stupid. To be honest I knew that there was no way that could happen. With all I stood accused of, the only thing left for Wren Morrigan was either the lock up or a different life in a new city. The Red Spirit or anything like her could never resurface, because everyone knew who I was, everyone would be able to recognise my powers.

There wasn't anything left for me here. Most definitely not a family; my father was dead, and my brother had taken a carving knife and buried it in my back. There was a trust between me and my siblings that'd dissipated.

My mother would never be much help; she was only here to cry for the cameras.

Stacey wasn't stupid either, "Go back to being a petty thief? Have you learned nothing?!" She was genuinely shocked at my answer, but not for the reasons I thought she would be.

I shrugged, logging the time that the guards were changing shifts, and then took photos, logging how long it took them to switch.

I stood, putting my hands on my hips and looking down at Stacey, "Look, what else am I good at?"

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