{25} Like A Fucking Superhero

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So I usually pride myself on my descriptions -but the image I have in my head of Wren's new super suit is so unlike what I can get down on paper that I have no idea how you'll react so pls bare with me until I can photoshop a suitable picture so you guys can see what I see?

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"I hate him so much." Bo was pacing, squeezing a pillow to her chest like it was a shield, "Are you sure you're a villain? I would have totally killed him."

I was sitting cross-legged on the bed, watching her as she walked the length of her room. "I wanted to. But Will-"

"You are so whipped by that kid-"

"Thought that he would be more use alive, and I agreed. If reluctantly."

"You're right about that but I just... never thought that I would have to put up with his shit ever again," Throwing the pillow aside, she collapsed on the bed next to me, "It's exhausting. Especially after him seeing me in a position like that."

Stacy and Bo going at it on the couch.



I smiled at her, "Speccy and I will keep him in line. Promise."

She bumped me with her shoulder, "Thanks man."

"Any time -no wait! I have one question."

She rolled her eyes and sat up, as if she knew what the question was going to be, "What is it."

"How did you and Stacey end up-"

"Like that?"

I nodded, simply curious.

She was looking at her hands, a tiny smile playing on her lips that she was trying to hide, "We just... got to talking... she's a little bit way into girls and you know me..."

"I do know you, which is why I know that you're lying?"

She threw her hands up, "Fine! I might be majorly attracted to the whole badass superhero chick who looks sexy in spandex and could kick my ass! Strong and silent is my type -we know this."

I laughed, "And you tell me I'm whipped."

She playfully glares at me, getting up off the bed, "Let's change the subject. We have a building to break into."

"Yes! I can be a villain again!" I yelled in triumph, getting up as well and reaching into the safe-zone for my Red Spirit outfit.

It was looking like it'd seen better days, with holes and tears in the tights and the fabric as well as dirt and blood-stains. It was the only one I had though, and it'd seen me through a lot of tough jobs. This used to be who I was this outfit, and it was looking like it was time to throw it out.

Taking my clothes off, I started to put it on when Bo exclaimed behind me, "NO! What are you doing?"

"Uhhh... getting ready? Like you said?" I eyed her incredulously, wearing my underwear and half of my tights.

She grabbed all of the stuff I was putting on and balled it up, throwing it into the back of the room. "I called my people, made some inquiries about that Super-Suit designer that does the really high-end stuff. What's his name again...?"

"BROOKS? YOU TALKED TO J.J. BROOKS?!" I ditched whatever I'd been doing and grabbed her shoulders, "He's the best Suit designer in the whole world! It's rumoured he has the ability to grant wishes which is why his suits are so well made. He just wishes the material he needs into place." I stared dreamily into space, I had always wanted a suit from him, but he only designs for the best of the best.

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