{8} Do Not Pass Go

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I'm afraid this is a much-needed filler chapter. However I quite like it, it gives us more on Wren's background and her family so she's not just an empty shell like I'm feeling she is at the moment? I just need to give her some depth. I've never struggled in this department before.

Also... I have a confession to make... I have been reading too much Dragon Age fanfiction. So much so that I've had the tab for writing this open for weeks, and haven't even tried to write because I've had several other tabs with different fanfics up. SUE ME OKAY IT'S A REALLY GOOD UNIVERSE TO READ ABOUT.

Comment pleeeeease.

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I have no idea why, but it felt good to get some normalcy back.

When I went back to school the next day, only talking to Neil at lunch because the other two weren't at school. Will was there too, but we only made show of just being friends, and we didn't discuss and illegal activates that we'd been planning at all.

It was just a normal day, and it was... relatively nice.

I even drove to and from school, so when I got back home, nice and relaxed at the time, I noticed that both Lise and Kyle were home. A very rare occasion. Maybe we could actually sit down and eat dinner for once.

"Lise? Kyle? Anyone-"

"WREN SHHHH I'M CONCENTRATING!" Kyle's voice echoes down the hallway from the kitchen -where the dinner table is- and with a small laugh I went to see what was going on.

I started laughing completely when I walked in to find Kyle and Lise at the dinner table with a game of chess in between them. Other board games spread out like they'd settled in for a very long while.

I grabbed the apple-juice out of the fridge and poured myself a glass, still laughing to myself as Kyle was biting his lip and hunched over in concentration, while Annalise was leaning back with a smug smile on her face, arms crossed in victory.

I sat down and looked at the board as Kyle's eye started twitching, "I can turn this around." He narrowed his eyes at the board.

"No dude, she's got you in check-mate." Shaking my head, "You've been defeated by the champion. Bow down sir."

"I want a rematch!" He yelled as Lise reached forward and plucked the white king off the board.

"Not chess again," Lise groaned.

"What about... monopoly?" I suggested.

"Remember last time?" Kyle said from the kitchen, making himself a sandwich, "None of us spoke again for three days!"

"What?" I grinned, I was the one who won that game, through buying out the different colours and slowly draining everyone's money... didn't help that I swiped small amounts of money from the bank whenever Kyle was distracted, "I don't recall."

Lise rolled her eyes, "Sure you don't."

"I have an idea." I said, grabbing the monopoly board, "We could have a picnic. At Dad's."

Kyle stopped making a sandwich and looked at Lise, "that's a good idea, you can't play monopoly with only three people."

She nodded, "Does this mean we can stop for food on the way there?"


"Hey Dad, nice to see you," I dumped both the bags and the monopoly game on the small table in the corner, organizing it so we would all be able to sit around it.

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