{29} Cheeky Sneak Attack

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Chapter dedicated to the lovely Shara, my friend in Singapore who got me off my ass to write this. I love you. You're the best.

Please comment.

REad on.


After all this time, we were going to get killed in a fucking sneak attack.

We'd been hiding out here for months, and it hadn't been an issue with Bo to cover for us any time the police came around. There hadn't been any trouble what-so-ever.

But now? They'd shown up here without an issue, as if they'd known where we'd been hiding the whole fucking time. We'd been so unbelievably careful, and here Pike was again, always playing his stupid games.

There was no way we were going to win this fight.

But we had to try right? We couldn't just give up, that wasn't in my nature.

I made Bo stay with Kyle, neither of them were in any shape to fight whoever was out there, and I trusted them to hide incase we got into trouble. Well, more trouble than we were currently in.

As quick as possible I changed into the new Red Spirit suit, but paused when I lifted the mask up. I knew I didn't have the time to be hesitating like this, but there was something about it that made me stop. That mask had been my partner for a long time, it had been the only thing that protected me from catching up to what Red Spirit had done in the past.

But I didn't need to hide anymore, there was no point.

"Urgh. Fuck it." I threw the mask down on the bed and teleported out of there to Bo's living room.

Stacey was at the window peaking outside of the curtains at whoever was outside, while Will and Eli were standing in front of Samuel, arms crossed and expressions irritated.

"Where's Jet?" I said, moving to peak out the back window; yep, there were people out the back too there was no way out.

"He went to check exactly how many people there are out there."

Kneeling on the couch next to Stacey, I peaked out the window and observed the mist slithering its way across the lawn and gathering at the heels of the thugs standing a perimeter outside. Odd, it wasn't that cold out there, "That mist-"

"Jet. He can shift too." Stacey informed me, her eyes narrowed at the people outside, "Oh my god... they're-"

"Supers," I breathed. And suddenly I could see the brightly coloured suits, the capes and the spandex all forming an honour guard around Bo's house. Arms crossed and fists clenched in the darkness of the street outside. A woman with a cape billowing around her ankles moved her clenched fingers and electricity crackled and died out like a bolt of lightning, the flash making the silver in her blue super suit shimmer and gleam. "Look, it's Silver Star."

"And Mayhem Man," She said, tapping the glass. I could tell Stacey was becoming increasingly more worried.

Eli and Will stood on the opposite side of the room behind us, agitated and desperately darting their eyes about to the supers behind the house.

"Lady Scales is on this side as well," Eli was fidgeting with the gloves on his super-suit, "Why are they here?"

Frustrated, I whipped around to face him, "They're here for us, you moron! Why else would they be here? It's definitely not to bake cookies."

His jaw clenched, "We can't face over thirty superheroes! There's only five of us."

Is that a challenge?

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