{11} I Think We've Found A Safe-House

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Do you guys hate me now? Oh well :P Comment please they make my blood keep pumping.

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Take three deep breaths Wren.


My hands were still shaking, making imprints in the carpet. Will had stopped trying to get my attention five minutes ago, opting to lean against the wall with his head in his hands- the only movement we're both making is breathing. And even that's a moot point.


I had to make a conscious effort to move my fingers; they seemed to have frozen over in the position I fell in. But they moved, if only the tiniest bit.

Baby steps.


Once I could move my fingers, the rest of me followed. It was like the Tin-Man in Wizard of Oz; as soon as you oil one joint, then you have to oil the others and slowly but surely you have a body with no heart that can move like nothing else.

I looked up into the mirror; eyeing the makeup stained face, eyes that were usually a bright silver-blue were a dingy grey. At the sight of myself I wanted to smash the mirror. My fists even clenched and re-clenched, ready to strike out.

As if I needed seven more years of bad luck. You'd think the universe would've ran out by now.

I grabbed a change of clothes (jeans and a t-shirt) and had the quickest shower known to man. Robotically going through the motions of cleaning and brushing my teeth and then getting dressed, before grabbing a toiletries' bag and dumping it all inside.

I wouldn't be coming back home for a while.

Swiping my hand along the bench, holding the bag at the end so all the stuff would fall in. I wasn't even trying to make it all neat, I zipped up bag. Looking up into the mirror again... I did look slightly better, but my eyes went immediately to my hair, the signature half-side-shaved-style and the amazing brilliant red that I was so proud of.


Swallowing my frustration and dejection back, I concentrated on making the shorter side as long as the other, evening them out before making them a bit shorter, and making the colour that same auburn colour that Lise has only on the lighter side -because it's still me- and really concentrating on making it permanent. Thankful that I'd had plenty of rest so I could do a permanent shift.

Will was against the wall, checking out his phone, "It's all over the news," He said, resigned and dejected, "everyone in the country knows that I've gone... villain."

I grabbed my sleeping bag and another massive duffle bag out from under the bed, "We need to deal with our main problem first," I said, going to my wardrobe and grabbing as much as I could, fitting it in the bag as well as I could before doing the same with the draws.

I chucked the sleeping-back and my pillows into the safe-zone along with a blanket -because I had no idea where we would be going and it's always safer to be prepared- and shrugged on a massive jumper.

He was watching my progress, "what'd you mean?"

Chucking the toiletries in the duffle-bag, I started attempting to zip it up before making a duplicate to go down stairs and get as much food as would fit into one of the tubs and then put it in the safe-zone.

The duplicate walked out of the room as I turned to Will with my hands on my hips, "Kyle is likely to tell as many people at the station as he can who we are. They know our identities now, bub, it's a whole new ball-game."

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