Chapter 42: Game Plan

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The first drive that we had, had in fact kind of sucked for us. As it was that it had been a 3 and out for us. As I knew that coach Williams, and also Johny, was not all too happy about the way that it had ended.
I felt like I was taking a lot of blame for it, even though I knew it was not my fault what so ever. As it was that I knew that we had an absolutely terrible offensive line. As well as the fact that it was, that I had no time to have routes develop.
I was scared for the rest of the game after that drive, all at the exact same time too, at that. As it was that the other team had only taken 5 plays to go down the field after that, all at the exact same time too. As they of course did in fact have good field position, all at the exact same time too.
But then being that easy for them to score was not a good thing for us. As it was that after it was that we had in fact gone down 14-0. That was when it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stepped up my game. As it was that I had nearly thrown a pick on the first play on that drive of course.
As I had practically almost handed the ball to Chauncey of course. As it had to be no one else, all at the exact same time too, at that. As not even he had expected it, and he had not reacted on time to catch the bullet pass that I had thrown out of pressure, all at the exact same time too.
It was at that moment in time, that I did in fact realize what it was that I was doing. And how pivotal this moment was for the rest of my life. Even if it was that I did in fact just seem to not ever be able to play football again after this game, none the less.
I simply closed my eyes, as it was that I then did in fact just seem to replay the next few plays through my head, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to simply go right on ahead, at that.

"Alright boys... We didn't come here to play pussy ball... Step up and do your jobs!" Coach said, as it was that he had in fact called a time out. As it was clear that he was in fact upset about the way that things were going so far. As it was that I could not at all blame him for that being the case.
As it was that there was still 11 minutes to go in the first quarter. And we were about to give the ball to the other team to score yet again. As it was that I felt quite a bit bad about it all. As it was that I almost felt like I wanted to give up on it all.
But some thing stopped me from doing so for what ever reason or another, none the less. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead, at that. And I then did in fact just seem to breathe in a bit to my self, at that.
As it was that I just then did in fact decide that it was, none the less. That it was my turn to step up for the team, none the less. As it was that I kind of felt bad for just the way that it was that I was playing just now, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to speak up to every one that was in fact here just now of course. As it was that I just then did in fact see every one begin to look on over towards me, none the less. As it was that it was clear that they all were in fact beginning to start to listen as to just what ever it was that I felt like I did in fact even need to say right on over towards them, all at the exact same time too.
"I'm sorry coach... You are right... I need to make my reads faster..." I said, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I was in fact tempted to be a pussy, just as it was that coach had said. And I was in fact tempted to dip my head a little bit low to the ground just now, of course, none the less.
But I simply just kept my head up how ever. As it was that I simply did in fact just seem to stare right in to the eyes of coach, at that. To let him know that I was in fact standing up, and I was in fact taking to fault for what it was that was going on.
Which, did in fact seem to be a thing that I didn't seem to do all too often, none the less. As it was that coach Williams then did in fact seem to blink his eyes a few times at that. As it was that he just then did in fact just seem to shake his head right back on over towards me.
I was in fact a little bit lost as to just what it was that he was even getting, at first. As it was that he just then did in fact just seem to start to speak back to the team, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to begin to listen as to just what ever it was that he felt like he needed to say just now, all at the exact same time too.
"Well... It's not just that Grant... But the OLine needs to give you a little bit more time to make a play... You're playing like you are card board boxes out there!" He said, all at the exact same time too. As it was that he just then did in fact just seem to squint his eyes on over towards our OLine.
I was a little bit surprised as to just what it was that he had even just said, none the less. As it was that I wondered if that was all that he had ever wanted from me this whole time. Was for me to man up, and at least take a little bit of the blame for the team, all at the exact same time as well.
I simply did in fact just seem to let out a little bit of a soft sigh to my self all of the sudden, at that. As I just then did in fact just seem to start to begin to hear another voice step up and speak. As it was that it seemed to be Johny who was talking just now.
I kind of gulped, just as soon as it was that I had seen it was the case. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to look at my friend right in to his eyes all of the sudden. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to listen as to just what ever it was that he felt like he must even say just now, all at the exact same time too.
"Alright boys! You heard the coach! Wake the fuck up out there! We can still come back! We have almost 60 minutes to play!" He said, as he just then did in fact just seem to clap his hands all of the sudden, at that. As it was that he just then did in fact just seem to try to wake up the entire team with just what it was that he had even said to all of them, none the less.
As it was that I had in fact just seemed to have stood there and stared for just a few moments time, at that. That was when it was that I just then did in fact just seem to feel a little bit surprised, none the less. As to the fact that Johny, who did in fact not seem to like coach Williams all too much.
He was in fact backing him up just now, none the less. As it was that it did in fact kind of make me feel a little bit better as to the way that things were going, at that. As I just then cracked a little bit of a smile on to my face, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I did in fact just seem to hold that smile for just a little while longer, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to simply just let out a little bit of a soft sigh to my self. As I then did in fact just seem to start to speak to my self a little bit under my own breathe, all at the exact same time too.
"Alright... That's settled..." I said to my self, all at once. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to nod a little bit to my self, at that. As it was that I felt a whole lot better as to just the way that things were in fact going just now, all of the sudden, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to get my focus off of all of that.
As I just then did in fact just seem to hear a completely different voice begin to step up from not all too far away, none the less. As it was that it was clear that it was one of the referees, all at the exact same time too. As it was that I saw the black and white stripes right behind me, none the less.
The man did in fact just seem to move back a little bit, at that. Just as soon as it was that he noticed that it was that we were now all looking at him. As it was that it almost seemed like he was in fact scared of us, and he was in fact a little bit frighten off us, all at the exact same time too.
As it was that I almost wanted to make a little bit of a joke of the situation, all at the exact same time too. But I simply just held my self in for the mean time, all at once. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to begin to listen as to just what ever it was that he felt like he even needed to say just now, none the less.
"Alright guys... You've had enough time to talk it out... Time to get back to the game..." He said. As it was that it was in fact a bit of a fair point as to just what it was that he had even said, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to begin to strap up my helmet on my head, at that.
As it was that I just was about to go right on ahead, none the less. And I was about to get ready to go right back on to the field all of the sudden, all at the exact same time too. Until I just then did in fact just seem to start to hear the voice of coach Williams. As it was that he just then did in fact just seem to speak up, at that.
As it was that I was a little bit lost as to just what it was that was in fact even going on at first, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to start to go right on ahead. And I then did in fact just seem to start to listen as to just what it was that coach felt like he must even need to say just now, all at the exact same time too.
"Alright boys! Let's go out there and make this a game!" He yelled to us all, all at the exact same time too, at that. As it was that he had a big smile on his face, just after it was that he had in fact said that to us.
As it kind of made me smile just a little bit, at that. As it was that I just then did in fact just seem to jog back on to the field, at that. Just as soon as it was that coach Williams had in fact just said what it was that he had said to us, all at the exact same time too.

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