War Of The Ender Watchers

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Hundreds of years ago, The end was divided into several different kingdoms. Each one safekeeping an end crystal

An Enderman is seen showing an end crystal to some of the civilians

These magic artifacts brought unity among the ender people, It powered our ships, Channeled our sorceries, and provided sustenance for everyone.

It was life for the ender kingdoms

Each ender lord treasured them at heart

Lance, Lord of the void islands. Spent more than half of his life time studying the potency of end crystals. He learned that combining them all will bring upon new greater powers

Turning the End into an unstoppable empire

A cinematic is seen depicting what could have happen if the Ender watchers agree to lance's plan

All other species will be inferior and they can spread their dominion towards the nether and overworld

However that is the sole reason the crystals must be separated, The ender lords are already happy with inward perfection. Invading other worlds is against ender philosophy, Lance was mocked by the ender lords.

The female end lords are seen protesting against lance idea while the males laughed at him

Telling him years of isolated studying made him insane, Little did they know lance was never asking for permission, He was already raising his army of creatures from the void

He was only buying time

Then when everyone was at their most comfortable lance has began their invasion, His fleet of end ships was like no one has ever seen

Lhara silverwing is seen accepting a flower from a young enderman when she saw lance army above her kingdom

It blanketed the stars, raining destruction from above

His voidlings, Vex and Enderman, Plowed through the armies of those who opposed his goal

He was unstoppable

in a matter of a few years, he gathered more than half of the crystals and vassalized the weaker kingdoms

My family, the end witch coven along with a few kingdoms in the far south along with the other leaders who escaped here with a slight amount of their people, Remained untouched benevolent lords and ladies who stand as the last legs of this warring realm.

We as the Ender watchers stand tall to finish hellish war of our world.

Subjugating lesser species is not the way of the ender people and its up to us to restore order in the ender kingdom.

The end lords are seen in Dragonspire, Then a figure walked into the room grabbing the attention of all the end lords. A hooded figure is seen and it is later revealed to be Yomona Servine, the Ex leader of the Servine clan, Which prompts all the end lords to bow to her. Although Yomona signals that there is no need to be so formal

My name is Gwendolyn, the grand sorceress and the former leader of the ender watchers called back to duty.

you know my grandchildren, but now its my turn to take the stage


Eneri is watching from afar, Viewing the deadly scene of the Citizens run for their lives . She grabs a picture from her hood. 

It was a picture of ceris, vordus and zeganirn along with her family. She is seen in the picture as a baby being held by the end queen, putting the picture back in her cloack she grabs her double bladed sycthe.

Eneri: *sigh* this is what happens if you expose strong and dangerous objects to people who don't have the right mind set. Luckily I'm on your side

Im coming aunty, just hold on.

Another Prolouge:

In dragonspire, Ceris, Vordus and Zeganirn is viewing the map of the end on which of the realm has been taken by lance and which of the realm are still held by them.

Ceris: One thing about that blasted Deserter is that he's so stubborn that he doesn't know when to quit.

Vordus: Its best if we leave now, The more we stand here the greater the losses.

Ceris: Agree, Just give me a second

Ceris walks out of the war room to adam's room, in which Adam has just woken up. 

Adam: Morning big sis, How can i help you

Ceris walks over to the bed and sits on it with her brother

Ceris: Adam, were going to be gone for a while And i just wanna let you know that its up to you to take care of dragonspire.

Adam: Where are you guys going, And if you guys are going then im going to

Ceris: Look, Its buisness Adam. Their are some people who may not instantly take you in as one of us. So its best if you stay here with akaitza.

Adam: If that's what you want. But i suggest that you take akaitza with you, he's really looking forward for an adventure

Ceris looks out the window to see akaitza facing their direction, Which shows that he was listening to them

Ceris: (giggle) An adventure it is

Ceris said as she jogged out the room

Adam: And ceris by the way, If some strong looking jerk tries to stand up against, don't hesitate to call for me

Ceris: Dont worry i wont

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