Chapter 13 : The fifth Ender watcher

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Netherite. the most rarest type of material that comes from the nether, is one of the most powerful material in all of minecraftia so rare that people trade them for other rare items and some of them even fight for it. Since netherite is not present in the over world, people started risking there lives for it by going into the nether and finding some. only a small percent of people manage to come back from the hellish realm and use them for either crafting or trading.

But for a certain someone its a piece of cake to just grab it and go without getting caught by the nether's inhabitants, and that certain someone happens to be Eneri Sevrine the frostbournes newest member and the maiden of reality bending, her nickname comes from the fact that she always wears a raven black cloak that can store anything from her double bladed scythe to the ender great sword and the biggest advantage she has is that whatever is put in it, she will not feel the items weight that is put in the cloak so it makes running away really easy. where the items are actually stored is not known cause when frostbourne scientist azura inspected it, it was nothing but a really black underside of the cloak, whatever is put in it will disappear into it after a black mist absorbs it. the item can be retrieved by holding your arm above it and the item you need will be given to you by the black mist.

So every time eneri finds some netherite she instantly mines it with an enchanted diamond pickaxe and puts it in her cloak. since netherite is mostly common in the very middle part of the nether, she need to be super stealthy, the most tiniest mistake would instantly spell death for her. she has so far collected 84 pieces of ancient debris a material that if its smelted it can be turned into netherite scraps and then when there combined with gold you can get netherite ingots. 

Thinking she has collected enough for an entire month, she hopped back into the portal she made and destroys it from the other side. she arrives at the frostbourne armory where she finds lady azura sleeping on top of a work bench, she didn't want to wake her up so she puts the netherite scraps into the furnaces and start smelting them when they were all finish smelting, she combines them all with gold where they are now turned into netherite ingots. 

before leaving she puts a note beside them saying " do want you wanna do with them my lady" and runs off to do other things that she want to do. she runs by the grandmasters office and sees that everybody there were mourning the lost of ser theo. he was killed in action when the frostbourne were trying to take back glacierford no one knew how he died. but some sources say that he was killed when an entire squad of pigmen ran him over, so he presumably got trampled to death. and then while walking around again he sees rain mourning abigail while staring at a picture of her when she was still a human, she was informed that rain was abigails ex lover, and even tho she only knew rain for half a day she felt bed for him.

She dashed into the cafeteria where she sees a tray of lasagna sitting right there on a table, a note was written on top of it saying "take this to the end queen" since she was able to open portals she grabbed the lasagna and created a portal to the end. she started walking around the land while a bunch of enderman started watching her. she sees the ender watchers head quarters and spots adam through a window. so that means he knows where ceris is. she jogged towards the entrance where something bumped into her, she didn't fell and the lasagna was still in hand. she look up and sees an ender man infront of her. it spoke to her in a female voice

Enderman : who are you

Eneri : im eneri mam I came here to deliver this lasagna to queen ceris, I remembered that she was quite banged up after the fight at glacierford. so i decided to deliver this to her.

Enderman : hhhmmm, alright then since glacierford folks are welcomed, your allowed to be here to.

Eneri : okay thanks mam

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