Filler 4 & 5 : Nightmares and Poison

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In the nether, Ciara Runs of with a chest filled with gold after she knocks down a piglin while it was trying to place it in a minecart. Back at the netherbane tavern, Kane examines her load.

Kane: Look, Ciara, ya have to return this to the Bastion . The Piglin King is vengeful, and it won't be long before you're hunted down!

Ciara: No, no. *shaking her head* I worked hard to take that! Let me keep it.

Kane: I do not say this lightly, do you have any idea what the Piglins could do when they're angry?

Ciara: *defiantly* I'm not returning the loot.

Kane: It's the safest choice you have! It's either that or ya get killed as soon as you walk outta here. It's not worth risking your life for riches you won't even be able to spend in your lifetime!

Ciara: I know what I'm doing. Don't be threatened.

Kane: The Piglin king is one of the most powerful figures in the nether. Rumors say he's under the protection of the nether princess! and even worse theres a chance that you'll meet with the nethers most high ranking commanders! You don't know who you're crossing-

Ciara: Im done

Having enough of it, Ciara stands up from her seat and walks towards the exit. behind her, Kane keeps talking

Kane:  frustrated* You're not some hardened thief who can slip away safe from consequences! You're not a one man army, Ciara . Stealing from the piglins is not necessary. There's a reason the netherbane isn't fighting them. Please... drop the act, Ciara. Just admit you're in danger!

Ciara turns around angered and yells back at him

Ciara: Who are you talking to right now? *starts walking defiantly to Kane* Who is it you see? I am one of the best assassins in the Netherbane and I live up to my name! I could easily wipe out their species if I want to! I have my own reasons for doing this but it's not something your cowardice can grasp. Now, let me clue you in. I am not in danger, kane . I AM the danger. You think I'm mere prey for the piglin king? No. I am the one who hunts!

Later, General tusk and his group of Piglins approach the Netherbane Tavern. General Tusk breaks down the door and kicks one waiter out of the way. As the members of the Netherbane arm their weapons, Kane stops them. General Tusk slams his axe on the table, demanding the location of where Ciara went. Kane complies as to not invoke conflict. 

Meanwhile, Ciara leaves a trail of gold for the Piglins to follow. General Tusk examines the trail, and they recollect their gold, unknowingly being spied on by Ciara. At the piglin camp, she ambushes them, slaughtering all the Piglins with her katana and Knives. General Tusk and Ciara fight, with Ciara coming in victorious. As she opens the door to the building, she notices a frightened Piglin and swifty ends its life.

At dawn, Kane approaches the camp and looks around the dead bodies of the Piglins and General Tusk. He opens the door to find a nether portal active. On the other side is where a massacre has taken place. The Piglin King is shown to be scared of Ciara, and runs away from her. As Ciara pursues after him, the nether princess intervenes, surprising Ciara. She then changes to her netherkin form, turning her eyes white. 

The two girls engage in a duel, each of them suffering wounds, but Princess Abigail comes out victorious by ending Ciara's life in two swift stabs. As Abigail turns to leave, she hears something, which turns out to be the Netherbane captain, charging at her with his cleaver. 

(taken over momentarily by @Eneri_Was_here after the weapons clashing and Invisible_ink_notes )

as their weapons clashed. as Kane swings his cleaver to hit the nether princess, Abigail deflects the cleaver sending it flying to the side. Kane is now defenseless yields to Abigail.

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