Chapter 16 : Eneri, Dexter, Lyria and a Little bit of Spying

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the one thing that eneri liked about her cloak is that it can store anything from tiny things to big things and what it meant by big things is that it could store anything as big as humans and any living thing that goes into the cloak will get a good view from the inside. Inside the cloak is just a massive big space of blackness that can be as big as an apartment, and the only thing that you can see in there is what eneri has been storing since the day she first has it. 

Azura : Eneri, can you please come out for a second

Azura said as she knocked on Eneri's door. Eneri dint respond in fact nobody has heard her doing anything in her room since yesterday, some said that they did hear Eneri in the room sleeping but they said that the snoring was really quite as if she was really far away from the door. Azura walked in to the room only to see that Eneri isn't even inside and nothing has been touched by the girl herself. the only thing that was there was eneri's cloak laying flat on the floor and the cloak was making weird sounds, the frostbourne scholar decided to take two steps towards it but once she did the black smoke that absorbs anything starts coming out, it grabbed azura by the leg and drags her in. she wakes up in a dark world where a bunch of random objects were just sitting there.

Eneri : good morning, lady azura

Azura : eneri! what is this place, is this what the inside of your cloak looks like.

Eneri : Yup, pretty cool isn't it

Azura : cool? what are you even keeping in this place, why is there a bunch of random metal scraps here.

Eneri : oh that is just what remains of my previous weapons.

Azura : and you just randomly keep them here? you're gonna slowly fill this place up.

Eneri : im not gonna fill this place up i've threwn a few things out.

Azura : yeah, but the other things that expire are still here.

Eneri : there still intact they could come in handy.

Azura : alright then if you say so, now enough of this eneri if you dint hear me from the other side of your massive little den, i was trying to tell you that i have an important mission for you.

Eneri : really what is it.

(at the grandmasters quarters)

Azura opened the door to the grandmasters quarters where 2 other woman were waiting. Eneri looked at the first woman she has pink hair and looks' like she is still a teen just like her and the other woman had brown hair that tint's to blue but one thing they had in common is that both of them were wearing the elytra corps uniform.

??? : aahh, so this is the so called maiden of reality bending isn't she.

Azura : yes she is, eneri these are my sisters, dexter and lyria, one of my two best assets of the elytra corps.

Dexter : Nice to meet you eneri.

Lyria : (waves)

Eneri : nice to meet you two, you both have really pretty hair styles just like your sister.

Dexter : aww why thank you.

Lyria : (nods her head)

Eneri : Your not that much of a talker are you lyria.

Lyria : (shrugs)

Eneri : so can you actually speak

Lyria : (nod)

Eneri : Can you still do things with your mouth like sneezing and coughing

Lyria : (nod)

Eneri : Are you just embarrass of what people think of your voice

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