Chapter 31 : Gotta Get Outta Here

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At a Frostbourne outpost, Frostbourne soldiers are talking to eachother and others are readying there weapons. A whoosh is heard and lyria flies into the outpost and lands right by hilda who was observing the map.

Lyria : My scouts report that the is pushing northwest, capturing every small town and village on the way! Their advance isn't stopping anytime soon...

Hilda : Huh, even with the Nether king and his right hand man gone they can still mobilize their armies. Maybe There not as dead as we thought. Who is leading this attack?

Lyria : They call him Hogsworth.. a conqueror of the Nether empire.

Hilda : Very well. lets put an end to his happy little conquest

Lyria : Commander! It's too dangerous to face them given our small number. Our outpost is just an obstacle they will easily plow through! Shouldn't we give this place up and regroup with the main army?

Hilda : No. We can't let them push any further it will endanger our people! Lord Patrick is sending in reinforcements... We just have to hold long enough and pray they arrive on time.

Lyria : -But commander, we don't stand a chance! What if we lose the outpost before they get here?

Hilda : Don't fret... I have a contingency plan my dear Lyria. A blizzard is upon us soon it's our key to turn the tides of war.

Lyria : Blizzard?! Commander, I don't get how that's any good for us. If anything our army will starve or even freeze to death!

Hilda : *Chuckles* You have much to learn

Hilda walks up to the stage 

Hilda We are the frostbourne ! We've called the snow biomes our home since the dawn of time! The biting cold is our way of life while our oppressors are spawns of fire, who will crumble when the weather becomes freezing. Stare them down as you thrust your weapons into their flesh reminding them that this winter land is not theirs to take! Death to the Nether Empire!

Virmir, Agatha And the other soldiers raise there weapons while screaming and shouting as they agree with her speech. lyria regains her confidence as the replacement captain, she summons her blade and raises it up into the air. The Frostbourne foot soldiers ran up to the front of the outpost and got ready to fight the nether horde as the bowmans got on top of the wall. While hilda, lyria, agatha and virmir are discussing there plan hogsworth was to.

When the nether horde was charging at them the frostbourne soldiers raise there shields and they fir a barrage of arrows under hilda's command. most of them survive cause they had shields and the rest of the nether soldiers throw ender pearls at the out post. much to hilda's horror as she watch the frostbourne army loose there numbers.

As they try to fight back agatha tells hilda and the others to retreat, in which hilda agrees and they run of to a forest. 

In a deeper part of the forest. everybody is treating the ones that are wounded, Lyria is observing everyone and she notices hilda seating in a fetal position and is far away from the group.

Lyria : (walking up to her) Commander are you okay

Hilda : No I'm not lyria, I just sent most of our troops to death dear

Lyria : But you showed us a really inspiring speech, I'm pretty sure there's still some fight left in some of us

Hilda : Well that good for you that your still confident. cause for me I got over confident

Lyria : Commander c'mon you cant start sulking.

Hilda : Lyria as your commander im telling you to go to the others.

Lyria stayed quiet for a moment but suddenly her confidents come back

Lyria : Commander look

The young girl points to the sky and the blizzard that hilda talked to her about was raining down on them. the soldiers started gaining there hope

Hilda : well look at that

There little light of hope suddenly stopped when they hear a huge stomp. whatever it was it came from something really big and it couldn't be the nether cause gigabone is dead, They looked around to try and find the source but the blizzard was blocking there view. The stomping sounds got closer and they all started thinking that there was more then one creature cause every stomp has another stomp following it. 

The sound came up from the right side and they all raised there weapons at something big and orange. before they could respond the creature did a GGGGRRRR and Hilda immediately stopped all of them from engaging it.


The big creature comes out of the thick blizzard and reveals it self. to be adam's dragon in its fire form with Adam on its back.

Adam : Hilda? is that you

Hilda : Adam. you dont know how glad we are to see you here.

Adam's Dragon walks up to hilda and licks here, drenching her in its saliva.

Hilda : (disgusted) Gah yup its really good to see you to big guy

Something else reveals it self and it was the ender dragon with zeg and koi on its back

Koi : you look like you've been hit hard. what happen

Hilda : Koi!

Zeganirn : rrraaa

Hilda : uh yeah you to

Virmir : its good to see you here friend

Adam : good to see you guys to. Patrick sent us out to find you guys since he dint have time to arrive here yet.

Koi : We heard that hogsworth almost tore you to shreds. anything we can do to help

Adam : if you have an idea just say it. just tell us anything Big H your man A+ and everybody here has your back

(minutes later)

Hogsworth and the nether army tried to walk through the blizzard but they couldn't see through it and because of its sheer cold the ghast and the blazes drop out of the sky frozen. Since they cannot see through it the frostbourne army now with Adam, Zeg, koi and the dragons set up an ambush just a meter away from them. When the nether army marched a few more steps Adam summons the ice spikes And the soldiers and the golems push and cut down the trees letting them fall on top of hogsworth and his crew. some of them manage to jump out of the way but they are instantly charged by hilda's foot soldiers.

Koi summons 4 arcane blades to help her in the fight, The dragons start burning and freezing the nether army, Adam fights with his chain as always and zeganirn either eats them or kills them with his sword. While the frostbourne army are keeping the nether army busy Hilda goes 1 on 1 with hogsworth. Patrick is galloping to the scene with some soldiers on horses, when some of the nether soldiers are trying to retreat patrick and his soldiers runs them over with there horses. Hogsworth slashes hilda's face with his netherite blade and she falls with her helmet being knocked of and with a bloody wound on her face. 

She looks up to see hogsworth walking up to her. she covers herself with her shield, but Adam intervenes and teleports infront of hogsworth, stopping him from hurting his best friend.

Adam : Don't worry big H I gotcha. this freak isn't coming through me

 hogsworth is about to try and get adam out of his way but adam was not intimated and he body slams the pigmen back. hogsworth gets back up but lyria attacks him and knocks him to the ground thus making him lose his sword. the frostbourne soldiers points there spears at him and he surrenders. 

Koi and Adam helps Hilda get up. the three of them smirk at hogsworth. Zeganirn also smirks as well as he and the dragons eat the remains of the nether soldier.

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