Chapter 20 : Reformed

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The ender watchers and the frostbourne were trying to find ways to get to the nether and get there friends back, so far they made no progress. so many of there man were still out and the elytra corps were not home yet, the commanders from both sides would like to go in but there were not in the right condition.

When they were still trying to find ways a familiar roar catches there attention and the sound of the warning horn started going off. the leaders from the 2 sides looked outside to see Adam's dragon flying around, it landed right next to the frosbourne tavern where many civilians were shocked at the sudden force of the landing but they were more shocked to see another person they dint expect to see.

Patrick, Daryll, Vordus, Ceris and Zeg made there way to the scene, pushing there way through the crowd of civilians. when they made it to the front they were shocked to see Adam, Eneri and Gwendolyn with the nether princess, the commanders pulled out there weapons and got ready to attack but they calmed down when they saw that the nether princess alive and well. she was fast asleep on Adam's back but she slowly woke up because of the big crowd of people surrounding them.

Adam : now before you all start cursing us off, I'm sure we have a really good explanation for this.

Ceris was about to ask them a question but a civilian suddenly spoke up.

Civilian : Adam, what on earth has gotten in to you. your suppose to be the end prince, why are you helping your nemesis. she may be your sister but she helped the enemy

Adam : she use to be my nemesis, she only become my nemesis because of a misunderstanding. but you don't have to worry about that, my sister is completely free from the nether's control

Civilian : How could you be sure she's not just faking it. and how is she still alive i thought her ex-boyfriend killed her.

Gwendolyn : i know that my granddaughter is not lying, judging by the fact that she had actual tears coming out of her eyes proves that she is showing her actual feelings about her brother.

Eneri : and we don't know how is she alive all of a sudden. if you want to know tell the person that saved her.

Adam : to be honest, i dont know but i think it had something to do with my ender abilities.

Civilian : you're ender abilities or your new nether abilities, cause I don't trust the fact that you and this 4 horned freak went to the nether without the others permission.

Gwendolyn : they had my permission, now please stop harassing us and get out of our way

Civilian : The nether princess has got them under a spell, im pretty sure she's not sleeping she's focusing her mind on brain washing them.

Eneri : no. all of you stop she's innocent.

Civilain : so i guess the only question we have now, is that if you guys are innocent or not.

Adam : what are you talking about, me and eneri were there to help everyone take back glacierford and gwendolyn is the part of the ender watchers.

Adam's dragon roars at the crowd in order to defend its friends, one of the civilians throw a rock into its mouth causing him to choke and spit it out. Ceris was shock to see this and immediately took action

Ceris : all of you better stop right now. if your saying that there not innocent then im questioning all of you whether you guys are innocent. i know my brother and my grandmother, cause adam saved the end and quite possibly the entire world while Gwendolyn turned me into the warrior i am now, you all should be thanking them. the same goes to eneri, she saved me and Adam's life in the battle at glacierford. I don't know what to say about the nether princess, but before she became the person she is now, Adam told me that she was a great sister to him. now if you all don't stand down I'm gonna charge you with harassing high ranking individual.

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