Chapter 8 : Hilda The ShieldMaiden

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Adam : and this is the part where i beat him, and...

Adam from the flashback creates a massive wave after slamming his chain into lance, the wave that he caused couldn't get him or azura since they were actually both in a flash back

Adam : he's gone.

Azura : (stunned by his actions) wow and that is how enderman got use to water.

Adam : and then i give the credit to rest of the ender watchers and then ceris starts blushing.

Azura : that must be the inspiration for that picture earlier right.

Adam : yup.

Azura : although i dont know why there isnt a love card in the flowers.

Adam : well it was valentines day when i learned to sketch so i added the love card in the picture i made.

Azura : you ask your adoptive sister to be your valentine?

Adam : i couldnt find any woman in the end alright, she was a girl so she counted as someones valentine.


A huge boom happen in the end and the ground started to shake, but the people in the flash back dint react.

Azura : i dint knew, you guys were resistant to earth quakes.

Adam : We are resistant. cause there are no earth quakes in the end, we are on a floating island.


Everybody in the end banished into dust and the ground started to shake some more.


Adam : i think im being hit by something.

Azura : what by who, were in frostbourne territory theres no way someone can just sneak in and start attacking anybody.




The ground around them started to fall apart and both azura and adam fell into the black. Back in the real world adam and azura's eye's stop glowing and adam was bashed in the head with a huge force and then pushed back with something that felt like a shield.

Ceris who has been drinking a mug of coffee, suddenly shot open her eyes feeling her brothers pain, adam's dragon who has been hanging out with his new lover the ender dragon felt his pain 2 and the both of them immediately teleported to adam's location

adam who unleashes his chain and reflected the next attack, when he got a good look at his attacker he was suprised to see someone he never expected to attack him

Adam : Ms. HILDA

Hilda : dont even there try to scan her mind you freak

Azura : what hilda no he's just took me on a trip  to memory lane 

Hilda looked at adam for a few seconds before walking towards him and staring at him in which he stares at her as well, not being intimidated by her stare. suddenly a portal from the end appeared and ceris the end matriarch jumps out of the portal wielding the ender great sword and then bashes the shield maiden into the pond and attemps to drown her. when adam and azura tried to break them up adams dragon appeared and turned the once shallow pond into a really deep whole in the grass and tries to drown hilda. adam dived down and gets into Ceris's way and motions his dragon to stop. the 4 of them surface with hilda on adam's back and she starts coughing the water that was in her lungs.

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