The Your friend Gimmy Show Best And Hilarious moments

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(clip 1 : Ciara crashes Lyria's dating show (feat eneri) )

Gimmy : we have a really special guest today, just give me a second to get them in

??? : (slurping and then Moaning)

Contestant 1 : Hello?

Contestant 3 : what the frick


Eneri : Oh s#$t


Lyria : (face palm)

Gimmy : Oh god okay hello Ciara welcome aboard the show 

Ciara : yeeaahh

Gimmy : yes Me and Co host Eneri hear had to deal with nonsense for you to get here.

Eneri : i never knew we let an assassin in this show

Ciara : who cares what i am, LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED YEEAAHHH

Lyria : oh no

Ciara : Lyria or BEAN cause that's what your sisters call you, how many boyfriends do you have before you got here

Contestant 5 : Whoa

Contestant 4 : oh dang

Lyria : i may have like, 1 or 2

Ciara : What were there names

Gimmy : Ciara!

Ciara : HAHA why did you break up with them

Gimmy : Ciara these questions are really absurd.

Ciara : I'm just asking what's wrong with that

Lyria : Eneri can possibly back me up

Eneri : for as long i know her. she has 1 boyfriend

Contestant 1 : ooohh

Ciara : well how many boyfriends do you have eneri sevrine

Eneri : i- im not in the show why am i being questioned

Ciara : just say it

Eneri : do you expect me to fall in love with disgusting looking creatues.

Ciara : okay thats a no

(skip to another moment)

Lyria : (carrying a tank of weird looking fish) CIARA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS 

Ciara : Calm down, there just electric Eels

Contestant 2 : what on earth is she going to do with that

Ciara : She's gonna pick one of them up and hold it for 1 minute.


Gimmy : Ciara that's it you are being a bad influence, now get out of here now

Ciara : oh c'mon you said you wanted good content.

Gimmy : I do want content but making people suffer physically isn't gonna make my ratings go down

Ciara : Just hold the dang eel

Gimmy : NO dont hold the dang eel. im banning you

Ciara : oh c'mon wh- (gets banned)

(clip 2 : Ceris Hates Children.)

Gimmy : ok guess what. 

Adam : what

Rain : don't be anything dum please.

Gimmy : nonono trust me, trust me. so a director from the app cash app has been watching the stream. and he sent me an email that whoever takes one bite from a wing-

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